This museum of art is designed by Terunobu Fujimori who is architectural historian, architect. This is in Kakegawa,shizuoka,Japan. This museum will exhibit art works that mede by children of nemunoki gakuen.
I drove with the car for 20 minutes or more by the time I reached here.The road gradually becomes thin. And, I enter in the heart of the mountains.
When I climb the slope in addition, the building suddenly produces the face to the other side of trees. The whole cannot be understood,I can see only a roof part like the mushroom of the building. At last, I see the big picture when advancing to the road. I had an impression that the building is put on a small plaza in the forest primly. The building has been buried in the cliff in the back. The building seems to have grown from among nature.
・Terunobu Fujimori lab.
・Terunobu Fujimori-wikipedia(jp)
・School of Nemunok(jp)
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