SHARE フランシス・ケレの2022年のプリツカー賞授賞式の動画。ロンドンで行われたセレモニーの様子を紹介。アラヴェナや妹島和世らがコメントを寄せる
「プリツカー建築賞が私に与えてくれたものは勇気です。私は、ヴィジョンとミッションを持つ他の人たち、すべての人たちに、同じようにプッシュし続ける勇気を与えたいと思います。私に能力がある限り、アフリカが私に教えてくれたように、私の建築、あなたが私に依頼するすべてのものに、熱意、喜び、想像力を注入していきます」と、第51回プリツカー賞受賞者のフランシス・ケレは、5月27日の授賞式で、感動的に語っています。そして彼は懇願します。「親愛なる友人たち、親愛なるヒーローたち、親愛なる家族たち、親愛なるすべての人たちへ – 今日の課題は何でしょう?みんなにとって、建築家にとって、人類にとって、今日の大きな関心事は何でしょうか?私たちにとって、何がそんなに重要なのでしょうか?気候の危機は現実です。材料は限られています。資源をめぐる争いは世界のいたるところで激化し、人口増加も差し迫っています。どこの国の人であろうと、これは私たちの関心事であるはずです」
Ceremony Video to Honor 2022 Laureate, Francis Kéré
September 13, 2022
The Pritzker Architecture Prize releases a special ceremony video to honor 2022 Laureate, Francis Kéré, available now on pritzkerprize.com.
“What the Pritzker Architecture Prize has awarded me is courage — courage to keep pushing and I want to encourage others, everyone, with the vision and mission to keep pushing as well. As long as I am capable, I will inject enthusiasm, joy and imagination into my architecture, into everything that you will commission of me, just like Africa has taught me to do,” remarks an emotional Francis Kéré, 51st Laureate of the Pritzker Prize, during the May 27th ceremony. He implores, “Dear friends, dear heroes, dear family, dear everyone — what are the challenges today? What is our big concern today, for everyone and for architects and for humans? What [is] so important to us? Climate crisis is real. Materials [are] limited…conflicts for resources will intensify everywhere around the world and population growth is imminent. No matter where we are from, this should concern us.”
Alejandro Aravena, Pritzker Jury Chair and 2016 Laureate, elaborates, “We’re expanding the toolbox. We have challenges that we haven’t seen before so no wonder we will have to have new role models and who better than Francis, who[m] we want to celebrate today, to show us another possible path.”
The documentary-style video includes full remarks by Kéré, Aravena and Tom Pritzker, Chairman of Hyatt Foundation, from the Great Hall of the recently opened Marshall Building, London School of Economics and Political Science. The Marshall building was designed by Grafton Architects and led by 2020 Pritzker Laureates Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara. “He embodies the mission of the Pritzker Architecture Prize by designing buildings that present beauty, that present modesty, boldness and invention all at the same time,” states Pritzker, prior to presenting Kéré with the 2022 Pritzker Prize medallion, certifying the architect as Laureate.
Reflections by previous Laureates, Norman Foster (1999), Rem Koolhaas (2000), Glenn Murcutt (2002), Jean Nouvel (2008), Farrell and McNamara (2020), Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal (2021), attest to Kéré’s humanitarianism and architectural ingenuity. Vassal describes the work of Kéré with “some words that we don’t choose so often in architecture: happiness, kindness, agility.” Lacaton continues, “as an architect, he values and he orchestrates the talent of the authors to make a collective work and this is very important and very new in architecture.”
Jurors including Barry Bergdoll, Deborah Berke, Stephen Breyer, André Corrêa do Lago, Kazuyo Sejima (2010 Laureate) and Benedetta Tagliabue, alongside Manuela Lucá-Dazio, Executive Director, lend their insights into this year’s selection and the defining impact of the architect’s work.
The 2023 Laureate will be announced next March, commemorating the 45th edition of the Prize.