ファラが設計した、ポルトガルのマルコ・デ・カナヴェゼスの、集合住宅「houses of cards」です。
The maximum buildable volume was found to be a distorted box, two-storeys high. Refusing the fragmentation prevalent in the surroundings, the five houses pretend to be one. An object in tension between the collective and the private – a plural wedding cake.
Its cohesion lies in a facade that wraps playfully around the four sides, roughly structured in vertical bands: openings (porte-fenetres and balconies) alternate with walls (complete with triangular crowns and marble belly buttons). The clashing rhythms and exceptions give the internal dissensions away.
The ground floor is floating, hovering above a miniskirt of garage doors. It contains transversal living rooms, spanning between the bridge entrances on the street side, and the gardens in the back. The living spaces sway between free transversal walls, generous and unitarian. The private level is organised like the section of a fruit. A layer of simply ordered bedrooms conceals a core of frivolous bathrooms and circulation spaces. In each house, a lone column, seemingly arbitrary, pins the two floors together, and dialogues with a roof opening providing daylight to the core. So despite their transversal configuration, the houses have pseudo-centers – a few vertical things, in unstable positions.
fala #101 “houses of cards”
location: marco de canaveses, portugal
dates: 2018-21
project team: filipe magalhaes, ana luisa soares, ahmed belkhodja, lera samovich, ana lima, joana sendas, paulo sousa
surface area: 820m2
photography: francisco ascensao, giulietta margot
清水義文 / SOU建築設計室による、東京・西東京市の、医療複合施設「LIFE MEDICAL CARE いずみ」。未病維持から看取りまでを担う地域拠点となる施設。様々な用途が“適度な距離感”で共存する場を求め、“町並み”を想起させる“小屋の集合体”の様な建築を考案。特徴的な外観は周辺の住宅街との親和性も意図