SHARE MADによる、イタリア・ミラノでのインスタレーション「Momentum」。デザインウィーク2023のメインアトリエに設置。創造の瞬間の凍結を意図して、シンプルな立方体を装置として様々な形の芸術表現を志向。“仮想的”アートと“物理的”装置を組合せて作る

マー・ヤンソン率いるMADアーキテクツは、ミラノデザインウィーク2023のメインアトリエで、InterniとAXA IM ALTSとコラボレーションしたインスタレーション「Momentum」を発表しました。
MADがミラノデザインウィークにメインインスタレーションで参加するのは今回で4回目ですが、持ち込まれる作品には、境界の突破や多様な芸術の統合が伴っています。COVIDパンデミックの終息に伴い、我々は、よりコミュニケーションの考慮や多文化共生の交流に配慮するようになりました。過去の作品に「Invisible Border 2016」「Fifth Ring 2018」「Freedom 2021」があります。

MAD unveils Momentum at Milan Design Week 2023
MAD Architects, led by Ma Yansong presented the installation “Momentum” in the main atelier of Milan Design Week 2023, in collaboration with Interni and AXA IM ALTS.
Momentum seeks to freeze the moment of art creation, with the simplest cube is used as a carrier to undertake different forms of art expression. Momentum, exhibited during the Salone del Mobile, hopes to evoke the solidification and refinement of time with this form.
In the daytime, Momentum’s skin reflects the surrounding environment of the courtyard of Statale University, becoming a forever-changing art form of its own. As night falls, and the installation turns transparent and ethereal, the lighting inside illuminates a new character.
Momentum is also a combination of virtual art and a physical installations. It features an AR (Augmented Reality) art experience, where viewers may experience fantastical virtual art by scanning a QR code on Instagram, becoming a creator of their own.
During this, MAD’s fourth time participation in Milan Design Week with main installation, the works brought have been accompanied by a breakthrough of boundaries and the integration of diverse arts. With the end of the COVID pandemic, we’ve placed more consideration on communication and the interchange of multiculturalism. Past work includes Invisible Border 2016, Fifth Ring 2018, Freedom 2021.
Milan, Itlay
Type: Installation
Material: P.A.T.I. ETFE polymer
Dimensions: 8m * 8m * 12.5m
Design team: Ma Yansong, Dang Qun, Yosuke Hayano, Andrea D’Antrassi
Partner with: Interni, AXA IM ALTS
Engineering: Maco Technology srl, Roberto Maffei
Light Design: Luce & Light
Motion Designer: Studio AIRA
Fog Effect: Nephos
Images: Moreno Maggi, Andrea D’Antrassi, Matteo Vercelloni