SHARE ノーマン・フォスターへのインタビュー動画「我々には力がある。そして私たちはそれを使うべきなのだ」。ルイジアナ美術館の制作で2023年10月に公開されたもの
Meet one of the icons of our time, Norman Foster, who reflects on the vital role of architects and designers in our world and the challenges it faces.“Cities are the generators of wealth, of innovation, of prosperity, of all the good things in life.” Foster emphasises the multiple connections and interdependencies between humans and our nature as social animals. “The city is really two elements. It’s the individual buildings. But it’s also the infrastructure – the connections, the public spaces, the bridges, the subways, the portals, the harbours, the airports. The infrastructure is the urban glue that binds the individual buildings together. And the design professions are totally integrated into that mix of buildings and infrastructure. So, in this sense, we hold the key to the future.”