
ペーター・メルクリの、2021年10月に公開されたインタビュー動画です。アトリエ風景や模型製作時とスケッチでの建築構想の様子も収録されています。英語字幕付きです。動画の制作は、アート施設にもなっている「ミース・ファン・デル・ローエの家 (Haus Lemke)」です。

In this film the Swiss architect and university professor sketches various ideas as design considerations for a new building and its potential functions beside the Mies van der Rohe House in Berlin.
This feature is part of the ongoing film- and exhibition project ‘Mies Goes Future’ inviting artists, architects, art and architecture historians to explore the possibilities of how the future of the Mies van der Rohe House as an institution can be shaped. In different formats, such as interviews, monologues, sketches, photographs or drawings, the connection to the work of the architect Mies van der Rohe as a source of inspiration will be expressed clearly.

The film- and exhibition project is curated by Esenija Bannan
Video by ©Bannan Productions

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