
レム・コールハースが、2022年10月にストックホルムで行った講演等の動画です。前半は自身の活動を振り返る内容で、後半はストックホルム王立工科大学教授で建築家のアンデルス・ウィルヘルムソン(Anders Wilhelmsson)と対話しています。


ヘルツォーグ&ド・ムーロンが設計している、イギリス・ロンドンの、リバプール・ストリート駅の再開発計画の画像が6枚、Architects’ Journalに掲載されています。










“What are they afraid of?”
We went to see German star photographer Thomas Struth in his Berlin studio and met a man both concerned and enraged about the ongoing attacks on our liberal values and democracies.

“Culture, concerts, theatre, dance, music, and museums bring people together to have a shared experience about something that is not clearly defined. It is free-floating, and that is a democratic quality.”

“It’s an acknowledgment of a community to try to understand life by seeing other interpretations of life. Interpretations that are not yours.”

Struth witnesses attacks on cultural institutions all over the world and sees both art, artists, and cultural institutions like museums as prime defenders of democratic rights and values:

“Right-wing institutions try to control culture because of its free-floating opinions. They want to control arts and culture. Often I think: What the f… are they afraid of? But this is what they are afraid of. They are afraid of the freedom of mind.”

Thomas Struth was born in 1954 in Geldern, Germany, and studied at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. He was part of the first generation of artists to study photography with Bernd and Hilla Becher. Comprehensive solo exhibitions of Struth’s work have been presented at institutions including the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, The Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Museo del Prado in Madrid, the Museum Folkwang in Essen and Haus der Kunst in Munich. Between 1993-1996 Struth was the first Professor of Photography at the Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe. Struth was awarded the Spectrum International Prize for Photography by Kulturstiftung Lower Saxony.

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