アーティストの川俣正による、東京・銀座のSHISEIDO THE STOREでのインスタレーション「箸コンストラクション」です。公開期間は2020年3月17日まで。場所はこちら(Google Map)。
川俣氏が試みたのは、割り箸約24,000本を用いた「箸コンストラクション」。日本人にとって馴染み深い素材を使って、SHISEIDO THE STOREのエントランスとウィンドウに、中(プライベート)と外(パブリック)を繋ぐインスタレーションをつくり上げました。
資生堂の総合美容施設「SHISEIDO THE STORE」(東京都中央区銀座7-8-10)は、東京が大きく変わる2020年、新たな試みに挑戦します。現代美術家とともに制作する1階ウィンドウギャラリーでは、2020年の幕開けを担う作家として、世界的に活躍する川俣正氏を起用しました。
The Kunsthaus in Zürich, Switzerland, just opened a major solo exhibition by Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson. Eliasson’s show is titled “Symbiotic Seeing”. It presents many of his new works. At the center of “Symbiotic Seeing” is a large scale installation of the same name. Olafur Eliasson created the work exclusively for the Kunsthaus Zurich. It “addresses a key issue of our age: the relationship and interplay between human and non-human actors on Earth.
In ‘Symbiotic seeing’, Eliasson tackles themes such as coexistence and symbiosis and aims to bring about a fundamental shift of perspective. The exhibition invites us not only to reflect on climate change – as a consequence of human action – but also to comprehend the human being as part of a larger system. The socially and environmentally committed artist, who was appointed Goodwill Ambassador for climate action and the Sustainable Development Goals by the UN in September 2019, proposes an idea of the world based on coexistence and collaboration rather than competition.
Eliasson’s art translates complex theoretical deliberations into spatial works that not only appeal to people rationally but also touch them emotionally and move them physically.
He has been working for over twenty years with an interdisciplinary team that includes craftspeople, architects, media specialists and cooks. He is known for space-filling works, light works and sculptures that prompt audiences to reflect on themselves and the world as they experience them.”(excerpt from the info text).
Curated by Mirjam Varadinis, the exhibition runs until March 22, 2020.