SHARE 安藤忠雄へのインタビュー『「お金は社会に還元して死ぬ」――「暴走族」安藤忠雄79歳、規格外の人生』が公開。過去の経歴から現在の社会貢献活動までを語る
隈研吾のウェブサイトに、スノーピーク社の為に設計した、長野・白馬村の商業施設「snowpeak LANDSTATION HAKUBA」の写真が13枚掲載されています。ショップ、レストラン、カフェと屋外アクティビティを一体化した施設。
アーティスト ウーゴ・ロンディノーネ(Ugo Rondinone)の、スイス・チューリッヒのギャラリー エヴァ・プレゼンフーバー(Galerie Eva Presenhuber Zürich)での展覧会「Nuns + Monks」の動画です。展示の公式ページには会場写真も9枚掲載されています
ミュラー・ヴァン・セーヴェレンに、アトリエで話を聞いている動画「Furniture for Life」です。制作はルイジアナ美術館。
We had the pleasure of visiting the acclaimed Belgian design duo Muller Van Severen in their home and greenhouse-turned-studio in Ghent. In the video, the two designers present and talk about their material-driven, playful designs, and share the thoughts behind.
Van Severen and Muller talk about how they collaborate and the contemplations that go into their choice of materials – and colours: “It’s not something we do as an addition to the design. For us, it’s like a material. We don’t play with it afterwards. It’s there from the beginning.” Changing the colour of an object, they feel, changes it completely, which reflects their way of thinking about design: “We just try to make – with the same objects – as many combinations as possible. We want to try different things in one object.” Architecture and space are also essential to them, and when they design an object, they are always very aware of the floor, the walls and the ceiling: “It’s important for us to also grab the room behind it, and to see it through the furniture.” Finally, the couple emphasize the importance they place on designing things that last a long time: “We want to make tables or furniture that are for life.”