SHARE MVRDVの設計で2020年9月に竣工した、ロッテルダムの芸術収蔵庫「デポ・ボイマンス・ファン・ベーニンゲン」の新しい写真。外壁の鏡面パネルが、様々な季節時刻の周辺環境を映し出す

MVRDVの設計で2020年9月に竣工した、オランダ・ロッテルダムの、訪問者が閲覧可能な芸術作品の収蔵庫「デポ・ボイマンス・ファン・ベーニンゲン(Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen)」の新しい写真。外壁の鏡面パネルが、様々な季節時刻の周辺環境を映し出す様子がよく分かる写真となっています。施設のオープンは2021年秋を予定しているとの事。
ボイマンス・ファン・ベーニンゲン美術館の移転に向けて「Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen(デポ・ボイマンス・ファン・ベーニンゲン)」が竣工しました。MVRDVによって設計された、世界で初めて一般に公開される美術品保管庫です。ロッテルダムのミュゼーアム公園に位置するこの保管庫は、美術館を訪れる人々に新しいタイプの体験を提供することを特徴としています。すなわち、151,000点の全コレクションを一般公開する頑丈なエンジンルームです。様々な保管・管理エリアに加え、Depotにはレストランや、受賞歴のある高さ35メートルの屋上の森があります。今回の工事完了により、内装工事と、美術館の全コレクションを新しい保管庫に移動させるための長いプロセスへの道が開かれました。
「この工事の完了により、美術館と利用者がこの建物を使用し始め、貴重な芸術作品で空間を満たすことができるようになります。本格的なオープンまでにはまだ1年かかるでしょうが、美術館、ロッテルダム市、Stichting De Verre Bergen(※オランダの慈善団体)、そしてもちろん建設会社のBAMや、パンデミックの影響で困難な状況にあっても粘り強く対応してくれた多くの建設作業員や協力会社など、すべての人にとって、この完成は特別な瞬間です。このDepotのデザインは大胆で、鏡面パネルの正確な曲率を計算した人、ガラス棚を設置した建設作業員、屋上の森を共同設計した会社など、すべての関係者と直接対話したことが成功につながっています。」

Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen completes construction in preparation for museum’s big move Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen, the first publicly accessible art depot in the world designed by MVRDV, has completed construction. Located in Rotterdam’s Museumpark, the depot features a new type of experience for museum visitors: a sturdy engine room where the complete collection of 151,000 objects is made accessible to the public. In addition to the various storage and care areas, the depot has a restaurant and an award-winning rooftop forest at a height of 35 metres. The construction completion paves the way for interior furnishings and the long process of moving the museum’s complete collection into their new storage facility.
A 39.5-metre-high building ‘in the round’, the depot’s bowl-like form has a relatively small footprint. This form ensures that at the ground level, existing views into and routes through the Museumpark remain unimpeded and reduces the impact on underground water buffers, while an expansive rooftop public space with a restaurant provides access to inspiring views of Rotterdam. Comprising 6,609 square metres of glass subdivided into 1,664 mirrored panels, its reflective façade wears the trappings of whatever surrounds it: people passing by, Museumpark’s leafy grounds, the clouds, and Rotterdam’s dynamic city skyline. Thanks to this reflection, the building is already fully integrated into its surroundings, despite its not insignificant size of 15,000 m2. It enlivens its surroundings while establishing strong relationships with the park and the neighbouring buildings.
In the depot, artefacts will be stored and exhibited according to their climatic requirements, as opposed to movement or era. Each storage space is climate controlled and organized into five different climate zones, arranged according to works of art produced with different materials: metal, plastic, organic/inorganic, and photography.
The building’s eyecatcher is the atrium with crisscrossing staircases and suspended glass display cases showing exhibitions of works selected by museum curators. This atrium will lead visitors to exhibition rooms and curators’ studios, offering them a unique behind-the-scenes experience and the chance to learn how a world-renowned museum maintains and cares for its art collection. Art is displayed throughout the building, beginning in the ground floor lobby and continuing along the entire route through the building, extending even to the rooftop restaurant. Outside this restaurant, a rooftop forest at a height of 35 metres will provide another public attraction, accessible via an express elevator from the ground floor, and populated by 75 multi-stemmed birch trees standing several metres tall. The rooftop offers visitors breath-taking vistas across the city of Rotterdam.
Winy Maas, founding partner of MVRDV: “With this construction completion, now the museum and the users can start to inhabit the building and fill its spaces with priceless art. Although it will take another year before the real opening, the completion is a special moment for all: the museum, the city of Rotterdam, Stichting De Verre Bergen and of course for the contractor BAM, the many construction workers and subcontractors who persisted during the difficult circumstances we all faced due to the pandemic. The depot design is daring, and its success comes from the direct dialogue with all parties involved – from the person calculating the exact curvature of the mirroring panels and the construction worker who put up the glass vitrines to the company that co-designed our rooftop forest.”
Sjarel Ex and Ina Klaassen, directors Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen: “This is a working building in which the most important consideration is what the building can do: to look after our collection while still being open to the public. Next year the entire collection of Boijmans Van Beuningen will once again be visible on one spot for the first time since 1935. We are convinced that making the
collection accessible shows how much we care and how well we take care of it. This is something that the inhabitants of Rotterdam will be proud of; something that they want to see with their own eyes, because they partly own this enormous artistic treasure.”
Architect: MVRDV Principal in charge: Winy Maas
Partner: Fokke Moerel Project Team: Sanne van der Burgh, Arjen Ketting, Gerard Heerink, Jason Slabbynck, Rico van de Gevel, Marjolein Marijnissen, Remco de Haan
Competition Team: Sanne van der Burgh, Marta Pozo, Gerard Heerink, Elien Deceuninck, Saimon Gomez Idiakez, Jose Ignacio Velasco Martin, Jason Slabbynck, Mariya Gyaurova, Lukasz Brzozowski
Strategy & Development: Jan Knikker, Irene Start
Visualization: Antonio Luca Coco, Matteo Artico, Carlo Cattó
Copyright: MVRDV 2018 – (Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, Nathalie de Vries)
Contractor: BAM
Structure: IMd Raadgevend Ingenieurs
Cost engineering: BBN
Installations: RHDHV
Façade consultants: ABT
Building Physics: Peutz
Sustainability: BREEAM Excellent (goal)