SHARE MVRDVによる、ロッテルダム港の展示スペース兼ヴィジターセンター「ハーバー・エクスペリエンス・センター」。持続可能な材料・構法で造られる建築は、直方体ヴォリュームをずらして積層することで様々な港の景色を取り込む

ハーバー・エクスペリエンス・センターは、ロッテルダム港の第二次人工拡張工事(Maasvlakte 2)の建設期間中の2009年にオープンした仮設インフォメーション・センター「FutureLand」の後継施設です。FutureLandの成功を受けて、ヨーロッパ最大の港について知ってもらうための大規模な常設展示を備えた、より充実したインフォメーションセンターを作ることになりました。ハーバーエクスペリエンスセンターは、ヴィジターセンターをビーチのより目立つ場所に設置し、周囲から見えるビーコン(※かがり火)のようにしました。

MVRDV’s Harbour Experience Centre offers visitors a new perspective on the Port of Rotterdam
MVRDV has revealed the design of the Harbour Experience Centre, an exhibition space and visitor centre for the Port of Rotterdam located at the harbour’s western-most point. Comprising a stack of five rotated exhibition spaces, the building stands out from its flat, open surroundings, offering spectacular views in all directions of the coastline, the port, and the ocean. The Harbour Experience Centre is scheduled to open in 2024.
The Harbour Experience Centre is the successor to FutureLand, a temporary information centre that opened in 2009, during the construction of the second artificial extension of the Port of Rotterdam known as the Maasvlakte 2. The success of FutureLand prompted the creation of a more complete information centre with a larger, permanent exhibition to teach people about Europe’s largest port. The Harbour Experience Centre thus brings the visitor centre to a more prominent location on the beach, creating a beacon that is visible from all around.
The building takes a practical, no-nonsense approach to its task, channelling the spirit of the port with its simple functionality, dramatic presence, and industrial materials. The shape of the building is a direct response to the activities taking place inside and out: Each floor is square in plan and has a large panorama window that frames a view, which together give an overview of the buzzing harbour. The orientation of each floor, and the direction its main window faces, corresponds to its function: on the ground floor café, this window faces westward for views of the dunes and the North Sea, while diners in the fourth floor restaurant can enjoy views on both the North Sea and the twinkling lights of the harbour in the evening.
The permanent exhibition, designed by Kossmanndejong, is spread over the three levels in between. In the exhibition, each level addresses a different theme, and the panorama windows are focused on elements within the port that enhance the content of the exhibition. At the centre of the building is a large atrium that functions as an exhibition space in its own right. An explanatory kinetic sculpture will hang in its centre, with model of the Port of Rotterdam underfoot. This impressive space is emphasised by the entrance from the ground floor, with a rotating door concealing the exhibition behind until visitors enter the voluminous heart of the building.
Visitors can also ascend the building without a ticket on the outside, with staircases providing a route up the various terraces to the rooftop. Along the way, showcase windows offer a preview of the exhibition inside to entice visitors inside.
The building’s materials are simple, industrial, and sustainable. The construction will be energy-neutral, using steel donated from demolished structures, the façade panels will use partly recycled materials and have a high standard of insulation, and the acoustic ceilings will be made from recycled paper pulp. In turn, the building itself is designed with circular principles in mind: the structure will be demountable so that its parts can easily be reused, and the façade panels will be returned at the end of the building’s lifespan under an agreement made with the manufacturer. Even the building’s foundation, which avoids the use of concrete piles, is designed to leave no trace.
In addition to the Harbour Experience Centre’s sustainable materials, it is also an energy-neutral building. Thanks to its compact volume and efficient insulation and mechanical components, the building’s energy can be locally generated by 266 solar panels and its own windmill.
“We think of the Harbour Experience Centre as a machine to reveal the incredible world of the port”, says MVRDV founding partner Winy Maas. “It’s low-cost, it’s stripped back, you can see some of the building’s structure when you’re inside. But it therefore does its job almost ruthlessly – just like the machinery of the port itself. Every part of the design is geared towards engaging people and then educating them about their surroundings. In that way, it not only teaches people about the Port of Rotterdam, but envelops them in the spirit of the port itself.”
Project Name: Harbour Experience Centre
Location: Rotterdam
Year: 2021
Client: Port of Rotterdam
Size and Programme: 3500m2 museum
Architect: MVRDV
Founding Partner in charge: Winy Maas
Partner: Fokke Moerel
Design Team: Arjen Ketting, Klaas Hofman, Pim Bangert, Jonathan Schuster, Samuel Delgado, Duong Hong Vu, Monica di Salvo, Efthymia Papadima, Luis Druschke, Maximilian Semmelrock
Strategy and Development: Magdalena Dzambo
Images: © MVRDV, © Kossmanndejong
Copyright: MVRDV 2021 – (Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, Nathalie de Vries, Frans de Witte, Fokke Moerel, Wenchian Shi, Jan Knikker)
Exhibition designer: Kossmanndejong Structural engineer: van Rossum MEP, Building physics, & Environmental Advisor: Nelissen Cost calculation: Laysan