SHARE ヘルツォーグ&ド・ムーロンによる、韓国・ソウルの、社屋とアートスペースの複合施設「ST International HQ and SONGEUN Art Space」。敷地法規に沿って彫刻的な形態の可能性を追求し、周辺環境との関係性と訪問者の体験が重視された、アートと市民を結び付ける建築

ヘルツォーグ&ド・ムーロンが設計した、韓国・ソウルの、社屋とアートスペースの複合施設「ST International HQ and SONGEUN Art Space」。敷地法規に沿って彫刻的な形態の可能性を追求し、周辺環境との関係性と訪問者の体験が重視された、アートと市民を結び付ける建築が構想されました。アート施設の公式サイトはこちら。
STインターナショナル本社とSONGEUNアートスペース(ST International HQ and SONGEUN Art Space)
プロジェクト 2016 – 2018、実現 2018 – 2021
新しいST SONGEUNビルには、1989年に設立された非営利団体であるSONGEUN芸術文化財団のアートスペースと、STインターナショナルの本社オフィスが入っています。現代美術館を設計してきた私たちの経験は、いかにしてアートと人々を結びつけるかということに焦点を当てています。どうすれば、アートとアーティスト、キュレーターと一般市民のための空間を作ることができるでしょうか?2016年にヘルツォーグ&ド・ムーロンが新しいSONGEUNアートスペースの設計を依頼されたとき、その野望は明確でした。それは、一般の人々を招待し、韓国アーティストの国際的な現代アートシーンへの露出を広げる文化的なアンカーを作ることでした。このプロジェクトは、ソウルで最も商業的なエリアのひとつに非商業的なアートスペースを提供することで、SONGEUNの存在感を強め、都市の文化的な地形と多様性に大きく貢献することを目的としています。
ST SONGEUNビルの特徴は、シャープな三角形のボリュームです。このビルの統一された形態は、区画法の彫刻的な可能性を追求しながら、割り当てられた床面積を最大化しています。正面の高いファサードは大通りに面しており、建物の核となっています。一方、背面の低いファサードは庭に面しており、より親密なスケールで周囲の環境を定義しています。地上11階、地下5階、総面積8,000m2以上のビルが完成しました。

ST International HQ and SONGEUN Art Space
Seoul, Korea
Project 2016 – 2018, realization 2018 – 2021
A new home for SONGEUN and the people of Seoul
The new ST SONGEUN Building houses art spaces for the SONGEUN Art and Cultural Foundation – a non-profit organization established in 1989 – together with headquarter offices for ST International. Our experience designing contemporary museums increasingly focuses on how we can bring art and people together. How can we make a space that works for the art and the artist, for the curator and the public? When Herzog & de Meuron was commissioned to design the new SONGEUN Art Space in 2016, the ambition was clear: to create a cultural anchor that invites the public and broadens the exposure of Korean artists to the international contemporary art scene. By offering non-commercial art spaces within one of the most commercial areas of Seoul, the project aims to strengthen SONGEUN’s presence and significantly contribute to the city’s cultural topography and diversity.
A precise geometry in the heart of Cheongdam Dong
The site is located on the highest point of Dosan Daero, a thoroughfare located in Cheongdam Dong in southern Seoul, renowned for its international flagship stores, restaurants and bars. While the neighborhood mainly consists of low-rise buildings, the zoning allows for higher density towards the main street. Catalyzed by the area’s rapid transformation and densification, a myriad of volumetric strategies responding to various plot regulations sit along the street front.
A sharp triangular volume distinguishes the ST SONGEUN Building. Resulting from the envelope specified for the site, the building’s unified form maximizes the allotted floor area while exploring the sculptural potential of the zoning law. A tall front facade faces the main street and hosts the building’s core, and a low back facade faces the garden where a more intimate scale defines the surrounding neighborhood. With 11 stories aboveground and 5 floors underground, the completed building comprises over 8000 square meters.
A cultural anchor open to the city
The building expresses difference and openness despite, or rather because of, its hermetic street side. A cut out of the base invites visitors from the street to the main lobby and the intimate garden, open to the public at all times. At the entrance, a column wrapped in a seamless LED screen acts as an attractive lantern announcing current shows and a further place to present artistic content.
On the west side of the building, the car ramp is treated as a sculptural volume. The curve of the descending ramp carves an opening in the ceiling of the underground exhibition space, connecting this sunken gallery to the activity, sound, and light at street-level. With its concrete walls, this cave-like space contrasts with the reflective finishes of silver leaf lining the ramp’s interior and parking space beneath. The ramp spirals around a triple-height void and defines the geometry of the grand staircase which acts as both a threshold and auditorium space for screenings and lectures, leading to the second-floor galleries. An experimental and unexpected mix of art spaces, offices, and public areas unfolds above and below ground, creating a new urban complex that invites the public to engage with contemporary art in Seoul.
“Hidden Pine Tree”: a face for SONGEUN
Enhancing the facade’s continuous surface, the building is cut by only a few defining apertures. Two tall vertical windows puncture the south facade and create framed views of the city. A triangular opening spans between levels 3 to 8 on the east, while the rear is almost completely glazed behind a layer of balconies which bring light and air into the offices.
The concrete mass not only carries the entire structure but also defines all space and ornamental surfaces. Using larch plywood boards rotated in a 1-by-1 meter grid, the concrete facade is imprinted with wood grain patterns and expresses the meaning behind the name SONGEUN: “Hidden Pine Tree”. This unique texture invites the eye and hand to explore its different qualities, bringing the building’s urban presence down to a tactile human scale.
Herzog & de Meuron, 2021
Partners: Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Andreas Fries, Martin Knüsel (Partner in Charge)
Project Team: Eduardo Salgado Mordt (Project Manager), Florian Stroh (Project Manager), Keunyoung Ryu (Project Manager), David Nunes Solomon (Project Manager) Valentin Abend, José Amorim, Pablo Garrido, Jorge Guerra, Jeff
Jang, Ludwig Kissling, Alonso Mortera, Nicolas Mourot, Sorav Partap, Anna Salvioni, Ga In Sim, André Vergueiro
Executive Architect: Junglim Architecture, Seoul, Korea
Client Consulting: HanmiGlobal Co., LTD, Seoul, Korea
Site Area: 1,179m²
Gross Floor Area (GFA): 8,167m²
Number of Levels: 11 AG (+5 UG)
Footprint: 642m²
Length: 29m
Width: 22m
Height: 59m
Gross Volume (GV): 24,650m3
Facade Surface: 5,158m3
Exhibition: 2,981m² on 4 levels
Art Storage: 532m² on 2 levels
Office: 2,032m² on 6 levels
Auditorium: 1,480m² on 1 level
Parking area: 1,142m² on 3 levels