SHARE ギゴン / ゴヤーによる、スイス・チューリッヒの、高層オフィスビル「Andreasturm」。線路に挟まれた三角形の敷地に建設され、金属素材の使用と片持ち梁で建物が中央部と頭頂部に分けられた外観デザインにより、見る角度や天候や光の加減により異なる表情を見せる

ギゴン / ゴヤーが設計した、スイス・チューリッヒの、高層オフィスビル「Andreasturm」です。線路に挟まれた三角形の敷地に建設され、金属素材の使用と片持ち梁で建物が中央部と頭頂部に分けられた外観デザインにより、見る角度や天候や光の加減により異なる表情を見せる建築となっています。
また、広大な基壇部は周囲に固定され、3層にわたって開放されています。公共施設のあるメインエントランスと小さな新しい広場は、交通量の少ないアンドレアス通りに面しています。アンカーテナントのAmstein + Walthertの敷地には、高い位置にある鉄道プラットフォームから直接アクセスでき、搬入口は後方の低い位置にある道路に面しています。

Office High-rise Andreasturm, Zurich Oerlikon, Switzerland
The office high-rise Andreasturm is situated on a triangular plot of land that has become available between the spread of railway tracks at Oerlikon station. The pentagonal tower, the property of the Swiss Federal Railways, is 80 m high, with 22 above-ground and four below-ground storeys.
Precisely placed cantilevers on the 12th floor divide the building into a middle and a head section, making it look slender or flat from a distance, depending on one’s vantage point.
An expansive base anchors the structure in its surroundings and opens it up on three levels. The main entrance with public facilities and a small, new plaza face the traffic-calmed Andreasstrasse. The premises of anchor tenant Amstein + Walthert are accessed directly from the higher railroad platform while the delivery entrance is on the lower street to the rear.
A well-appointed, double-height lobby welcomes tenants and visitors, who reach the upper stories via the lift lobby. An open staircase leads up to the first floor and the main tenant‘s reception desk. The tenant’s public spaces are arranged around a central core: a “piano nobile” with conference rooms, a gallery and a staff restaurant in the protruding portion of the base.
The skeleton of the high-rise is reinforced concrete with a double-shell element façade. Flat slabs span up to 9.30 meters between the core and the prefabricated concrete supports along the façade. The column-free spaces allow for flexible layouts and workplaces with natural daylight. The double-shell façade consists of an inner layer with slender windows that can be individually opened, and exterior glazing with horizontal parapet bands, into which copper and gold coloured inlays have been laminated, their tone varying to match the angled surfaces of the façade.
The appearance of the building changes depending on the weather and lighting: at times, the tower may look like a flat, reflecting surface; at others, one can see the filigree vertical structure of the interior.
Project: Office High-rise ‘Andreasturm’, Zurich Oerlikon
Address: Andreasstrasse 5, 8050 Zurich, Switzerland
Spatial Programme: Offices, Conference Area, Restaurant, Retail, Underground Parking
Commissioned Study: 2-phase, March 2013, 1st Prize
Planning/ Construction: 2013 – 2018
Start of Construction 2016
Client: SBB AG, Zurich
Client’s Representative: Ernst Basler + Partner AG, Zurich
Total Contractor: Implenia (ab TU-Submission)
General Contractor: GGG Gigon Guyer, Ghisleni Generalplaner Andreasturm AG
Architecture: Annette Gigon / Mike Guyer Architects, Zurich
Competition: Stefan Thommen, Mathias Rösner, Rodrigo Jorge, Thomas Möckel, Leyla Ilman
Planning/ Construction: Stefan Thommen (Team Manager), Matthias Clivio (Project Manager basic construction), Luisa Wittgen (Project Manager tenant fitout), Christoph Lay, Nicolas Hunkeler; Christian Gammeter
Construction Management: Ghisleni Planen und Bauen GmbH, Rapperswil
Gross Floor Area (SIA 416): 35,517 m2
Landscape Architecture: Studio Vulkan, Zurich
Cost Planning/ Scheduling: Ghisleni Planen und Bauen GmbH, Rapperswil/ Zurich
Structural Engineer: Walt Galmarini, Zurich
Electrical Engineer / Building Services Engineer / Consultant Measurement and Control Technology (MSRL) / Heating / Cooling / Ventilation / Plumbing / Sprinkler Consultant / Door Consultant / Safety Consultant/ Amstein + Walthert AG, Zurich
Building Physics/ Acoustical
Engineer: BAKUS Bauphysik & Akustik GmbH
Fire Engineer: Makiol + Wiederkehr, Beinwil a. See
Lighting Consultant: Ernst Basler + Partner AG, Zurich
Facade Engineer: Reba Fassadentechnik, Chur
Elevator Consultant: Keino Keiser, Vitznau
Geology: Dr. Heinrich Jäckli AG, Zurich
Wind Tunnel: Feldmann + Weynand GmbH, Aachen
Traffic Engineer: Enz & Partner GmbH, Zurich
Signage: Integral Ruedi Baur, Zurich
Photography: Roman Keller