SHARE トーマス・へザウィックが、2022年にTEDで行った講演「退屈な建築の台頭と、人間味あふれる建築の事例」の動画(英語字幕付)
トーマス・へザウィックが、2022年にTEDで行った講演「退屈な建築の台頭と、人間味あふれる建築の事例(The Rise of Boring Architecture — and the Case for Radically Human Buildings)」の動画です。英語字幕付です。
Where did all the lumps and bumps on buildings go? When did city architecture become so … dull? Here to talk about why cities need inspiring architecture, designer Thomas Heatherwick offers a path out of the doldrums of urban monotony — and a vision of cities filled with soulful buildings that people cherish for centuries.