SHARE 中国の建築家 チャン・ユンホが、2023年2月にハーバード大学で行った講演の動画
中国の建築家 チャン・ユンホが、2023年2月にハーバード大学で行った講演の動画です。
Atelier Feichang Jianzhu (FCJZ)の創立パートナー兼主任建築家。中国と米国で教育を受け、1984年にカリフォルニア大学バークレー校で建築学修士号を取得。1992年から中国で活動し、1993年にLijia LuとともにAtelier Feichang Jianzhu (FCJZ)を設立。1986年新建築住宅設計競技第一位、1996年進歩的建築賞、2000年ユネスコ芸術振興賞、2006年米国芸術文学アカデミー建築賞など、数々の賞を受賞している。FCJZは、Domus誌の「100+ Best Architecture Firms 2019」の1つに選ばれました。Jishou Art Museumは、AIA 2020 Architecture AwardとArchDaily China Building of the Year 2020 Awardを受賞した。幅広く教鞭をとり、1999年から2005年まで北京大学建築大学院センター創設責任者、2005年から2010年までMIT建築学部長、2002年にハーバードGSDで丹下健三講座、2004年にミシガンでエリエル・サーリネン講座などを歴任している。また、2011年から2017年までプリツカー賞審査員を務めた。
Through a range of projects of building as well as furniture, product, clothing, and other designs, attempts are made to redefine form as the deep framework that organizes structure and space rather than as figure or image, content as life scenarios rather than as functions, and total design as the way in which an architect may expand her/his practice into other creative disciplines and/or become part of content via involvement in programming rather than as a comprehensive architecture for the living environment.Speaker:
Yung Ho Chang, FAIA, is Founding Partner and Principal Architect of Atelier Feichang Jianzhu (FCJZ). Educated in China and the US, Chang received Master of Architecture degree from UC Berkeley in 1984. Since 1992, he has been practicing in China and established Atelier Feichang Jianzhu (FCJZ) with Lijia Lu in 1993. He has won a number of recognitions, including First Place in the Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition in 1986, a Progressive Architecture Citation Award in 1996, the 2000 UNESCO Prize for the Promotion of the Arts, and the Academy Award in Architecture from American Academy of Arts and Letters in 2006. FCJZ was named one of the 100+ Best Architecture Firms 2019 by Domus magazine. Jishou Art Museum won the AIA 2020 Architecture Award and the ArchDaily China Building of the Year 2020 Award. He has taught extensively, was the Founding Head of Graduate Center of Architecture at Peking University from 1999 to 2005, headed the Architecture Department at MIT between 2005 and 2010, and held the Kenzo Tange Chair at Harvard GSD in 2002 and the Eliel Saarinen Chair at Michigan in 2004, among others. He was also a Pritzker Prize Jury member from 2011 to 2017.