SHARE ザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツによる、家具コレクション「TOPOS」。ギリシャ語で“場所”の意味の名を冠した屋外用の家具。海辺やプールサイドでの使用を想定して、地図の“等高線”をデザインに変換した製品を考案。耐用期間を超えた後の各部品のリサイクルも考慮してデザイン


Launched this week at Salone del Mobile, TOPOS is a collection of outdoor furniture that celebrates Mediterranean living and unites Zaha Hadid Architects’ design expertise with iSiMAR’s experienced understanding of materials.
Named after the Greek word for place, the TOPOS collection encapsulates time with family and friends lounging by the sea, beside a swimming pool, or under a canopy of pine trees. The essence of these precious memories living outdoors are captured in a unique furniture design.
Informed by the geographical concept of topography, the TOPOS collection translates contour lines from maps into industrial design, depicting not only the Mediterranean landscapes but also the rich quality of life they offer. As contour lines on maps depict valleys and hills, the collection’s design maps changes in gradient through its efficient use of materials.
Ensuring longevity in corrosive outdoor environments, TOPOS is crafted in galvanised steel chosen for its durability. The steel is 100% recycled and the components of each piece can be recovered and repurposed or recycled after reaching the end of its service life. Supporting their community and reducing the carbon emissions of transportation, iSiMAR source only from local suppliers of recycled steel.
With its contours adapting to each unique user, the TOPOS collection is defined by ergonomics, materiality and structure in the finest balance between personal comfort, material resilience and geometric expression. TOPOS is therefore the place where the industrial expertise of iSiMAR meets ZHA’s unwavering commitment to contemporary living and our everyday need to remind ourselves to enjoy the moment.
Commission: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) for iSiMAR
ZHA Project Team: Jim Heverin, Victor Orive, Javier Rueda, Man Jia, Nelly Huang