SHARE 妹島和世+西沢立衛 / SANAAが、2025年の王立英国建築家協会ロイヤル・ゴールド・メダルを受賞。1848年から続く歴史ある賞。過去の日本人受賞者には、丹下健三・磯崎新・安藤忠雄・伊東豊雄が名を連ねる。代表作品の写真も掲載

妹島和世+西沢立衛 / SANAAが、2025年の王立英国建築家協会ロイヤル・ゴールド・メダルを受賞しています。
王立英国建築家協会(RIBA)の会長で、2025年RIBA栄誉賞委員会の委員長を務めるMuyiwa Okiのコメント

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has announced that SANAA, the collaborative practice of Japanese architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, will receive the 2025 Royal Gold Medal for architecture. One of the world’s highest honours in architecture – presented on behalf of His Majesty the King – the medal recognises SANAA’s work to reshape the global design landscape, creating spaces that bring simplicity, light and elegance to the fore.
For nearly three decades, SANAA’s work has pioneered sustainable, user-centred design and was praised by the 2025 RIBA Honours Committee for shaping “a universal language of architecture that resonates with people everywhere.” Balancing boldness with sensitivity to the local environment, their works “demonstrate that architecture can be both functional and profoundly elegant, offering a sense of calm amidst an increasingly complex and chaotic world.”
Prioritising inclusivity and accessibility, SANAA’s hallmark is a deep commitment to creating places that bring people together and inspire collaboration. Their distinctive use of light lends their spaces an ethereal quality, where transparency and materiality often interplay seamlessly to create environments that connect users to the architecture and surrounding landscape.
With projects stretching across the globe, their designs embody an incredible dedication to their surroundings and local context. From the striking New Museum that rises boldly over the bustling streets of New York City, to the quietly flowing low rise Rolex Learning Centre that ‘flows’ alongside the shores of Lake Geneva in Lausanne, SANAA’s designs reflect a profound sensitivity to place.
Often presenting a simple, minimalistic facade, their projects disguise the quiet complexity of their interiors, a testament to the deep rigour behind Sejima and Nishizawa’s work. This balance of simplicity and depth defines their architectural approach.
Other notable works over the course of their career include, the Dior Omotesando Store, Japan (2003); 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa, Japan (2004); Zollverein School of Design, Germany (2006); Serpentine Gallery Pavilion, UK (2009); Louvre-Lens in France (2012); Grace Farms, USA (2015); and Sydney Modern, Australia (2022).
On hearing the news, SANAA said:
“We are delighted and very honoured to receive the Royal Gold Medal. We have always believed that architecture can transform and repair environments, helping us to relate to our surroundings, nature and each other. Throughout our careers we have tried to make spaces that bring people together, inviting them to imagine new ways of living and learning collectively. Architecture is always teamwork, and we are very grateful to everyone that has given us opportunities to develop these ideas over the years, and to all those people that have worked tirelessly with us to realise them. This is a very happy moment for us, thank you.”
RIBA President and Chair of the 2025 RIBA Honours Committee, Muyiwa Oki said:
“Exemplifying an unassuming yet impactful leadership in the evolving practice and theory of architecture, SANAA’s designs demonstrate that architecture can balance functionality with profound elegance. True pioneers in the field, their unwavering commitment to sustainable, user-centred design has quietly blazed a trail for others, setting an inspiring standard for the future of our built environment.
Showing remarkable clarity and consistency over the decades, their work serves as a lasting testament to the transformative power of architecture – to inspire joy, create a sense of belonging, and connect us to the environments we inhabit.”
A public celebration will take place celebrating SANAA in London on 1 May 2025.
The 2025 RIBA Honours Committee was chaired by RIBA President Muyiwa Oki and comprised of 2024 Royal Gold Medal recipient Lesley Lokko, architect and founder of BIG, Bjarke Ingels, and architect and co-founding director of dRMM, Sadie Morgan OBE.