SHARE ネイ&パートナーズジャパンの渡邉竜一に「出島表門橋」などについて聞いているインタビュー
— 山梨知彦 (@Tomo_yamanashi) 2018年10月4日
— Zeebra (@zeebrathedaddy) 2018年10月5日
OMAのレム・コールハースによる、建築の要素に着目した新しい書籍『Elements of Architecture』がamazonで予約受付中です。発売は2018年10月25日を予定。こちらのサイトに中身の写真と日本語での簡単な紹介があります。
Architecture is a compelling mixture of stability and flux. In its solid forms, time and space collide, amalgamating distant influences, elements that have been around for over 5,000 years and others that were (re-)invented yesterday.
Elements of Architecture focuses on the fragments of the rich and complex architectural collage. Window, facade, balcony, corridor, fireplace, stair, escalator, elevator: The book seeks to excavate the micro-narratives of building detail. The result is no single history, but rather the web of origins, contaminations, similarities, and differences in architectural evolution, including the influence of technological advances, climactic adaptation, political calculation, economic contexts, regulatory requirements, and new digital regimes.
Derived from Koolhaas exhaustive and much-lauded exhibition at the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale, this is an essential toolkit to understanding the pieces, parts, and fundamentals that comprise structure around the globe. Designed by Irma Boom, the book contains essays from Rem Koolhaas, Stephan Trueby, Manfredo di Robilant, and Jeffrey Inaba; interviews with Werner Sobek and Tony Fadell (of Nest); and an exclusive photo essay by Wolfgang Tillmans.
A mammoth undertaking: smashing open the last 100 years of architecture and ripping out its innards for forensic analysis.
— The Guardian
日建設計・三井祐介とオンデザイン・萬玉直子の対談「世代間で違う 育児と仕事への意識」が、BEYOND ARCHITECTUREに掲載されています。