SHARE ギゴン / ゴヤーによる、スイス・チューリッヒの「ローザウ・オフィスビル」と「ヴィラ・ローザウの改修」。隣接した二棟の建築で、新築オフィスビルは都市構造を意識した量塊と庭園の既存フェンスデザインを参照したファサードを特徴とし、19世紀築のヴィラは外観の保存修復と内部の刷新が行われる
ギゴン / ゴヤーが設計した、スイス・チューリッヒの「ローザウ・オフィスビル」と「ヴィラ・ローザウの改修」です。隣接した二棟の建築で、新築オフィスビルは都市構造を意識した量塊と庭園の既存フェンスデザインを参照したファサードを特徴とし、19世紀築のヴィラは外観の保存修復と内部の刷新が行われました。
新社屋プロジェクトの過程で、ヴィラ・ローザウは全面的に改修されました。この歴史的な別荘は、1844年から45年にかけて建築家フェルディナント・シュタドラー(Ferdinand Stadler)によって住宅用として建設されたものです。以前の改築で元の建物の大部分が失われたため、建物の外壁に保存のために努力が集中されました。外壁は徹底的に改修され、ところどころで元の状態に戻されました。さらに、建物には新しい構造基盤が与えられ、かつての空間配置はゼロから作り直されました。この別荘にはクラブ・バウル・オ・ラックがあり、1階はセミパブリックバーとレストラン、2階は会議室、暖炉ラウンジ、オフィスから構成されています。
Rosau Office Building, Zurich, Switzerland
Refurbishment of Villa Rosau, Zurich, Switzerland
The new L-shaped office building opposite the Tonhalle on the corner of Gotthardstrasse and Claridenstrasse is integrated into the perimeter block structure along Claridenstrasse and tapers in width towards the lake. Villa Rosau and its surrounding gardens remain true to their historical conception. The green area forms a twin garden with the park of the Hotel Baur au Lac on the opposite side of the Schanzengraben canal. The newbuild marks the westerly end of the two gardens, whose beautiful trees border the public square Bürkliplatz.
The parks of Villa Rosau and Hotel Baur au Lac on Lake Zurich bear important witness to the history of the city’s expansion. The gardens flow around the villa and the new building so that the perimeter block development and the freestanding villa in the park form a coherent ensemble. The convergence of architectural and organic garden design also reinforces the organization of the green space into different zones.
New Rosau Office Building
The new five-storey building provides a prestigious location for an international reinsurance company. Main access is from Claridenstrasse, with a spacious entrance hall and staff restaurant, as well as conference rooms on the ground floor. The four floors above house open plan offices, which are connected by three major staircases. The top floor is set back, creating ample terraces on both sides. At the southern end, the boardroom offers vistas across the lake. The vehicle access divides the ground floor into two separate areas and grants a view from the street to the garden. A public bar and grill are situated at the street corner. The underground parking is accessed from Gotthardstrasse, as are further offices that can be sublet on the upper floors. The upper floors of the wing facing Schanzengraben accommodate two apartments. The structure is a skeleton frame with recessed columns, braced by centrally located concrete circulation cores. Vertical and horizontal profiles of architectural bronze arranged in varying rhythms articulate the façade. They take up, on a larger scale and with greater geometric regularity, the existing ornamental wrought-iron fences surrounding the gardens.
Refurbishment of Villa Rosau
In the course of the project for the new office building, Villa Rosau was completely refurbished. The historical villa was constructed by the architect Ferdinand Stadler in 1844/45 for residential use. As most of its original substance was lost during previous remodelling, conservation efforts were concentrated on the building envelope. It was thoroughly renovated and in places restored to original condition. Furthermore, the building received a new structural foundation, while the former spatial arrangement was rebuilt from scratch. The villa houses the Club Baur au Lac and comprises a semi-public bar and restaurant on the ground floor with meeting rooms, a fireplace lounge and offices on the upper floors.
Rosau Office Building, Zurich
Address: Claridenstrasse 4, 6, 14
Glärnischstrasse 6, 8, 10
CH – 8002 Zürich
Spatial Programme: Office building with 420 workingplaces, staff restaurant, meeting rooms, gastronomie, two apartments, underground parking
Commission: 2008
Planning/Construction: 2008 – 2020
Start of Construction: 05/2016
Gross Floor Area (SIA 416): 17‘810 m2
Client for Basic Fit-out: Villa Rosau AG, Zurich
Client’s Representative: Conarenco AG, Zurich
Client tenant fit-out: Scor Switzerland AG, Zurich
Client’s Representative (tenant fi-out): EBP Schweiz AG, Zurich Planning/Construction:
ARGE Rosau: Gigon/Guyer and b+p baurealisation ag, Zurich
Architecture: Annette Gigon / Mike Guyer, Architects, Zurich
Planning/ Construction Office Building 2010 – 2020: Christian Maggioni (Team Manager from 11/2012), Mathias Rösner (Project Manager from 2011), Michael Winklmann (Team Manager until 10/2012), Martin Bischofberger (Project Manager until 2010), Marco Cristuzzi, Franzis Gericks, Lilla Kis, Lisa Menje, Roman Vetterli, Rodrigo Jorge, Christoph Lay, Milica Brockmann, Christoph Dober, Brigitte Rüdel, Griet Aesaert
Planning Residential/Office Buiding 2008 – 2009:
Michael Winklmann (Team Manager), Christoph Justies (Project Manager), Mark Zjörjen, Christoph Dober, Cornelia Schmidt, Karin Schultze
Construction Manager: b+p baurealisation ag, Zurich
Landscape Architecture: Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten, Zurich
Structural Engineer: Locher Bauingenieure AG, Zurich
Electrical Engineer: IGB B. Graf AG, St. Gallen
Building Services Engineer: Gruenberg + Partner AG, Zurich
Building Physics Engineer: Kopitsis Bauphysik AG, Wohlen
Fire Engineer: Makiol+Wiederkehr, Beinwil am See
Façade Planning: gkp fassadentechnik ag, Aadorf
Building Automation: Jobst Willers Engineering AG, Zürich
Interior: Tenant fit-out Scor and Apartments: Gigon/Guyer Architekten, Zurich
Scor Furnishing: Ina Rinderknecht Interior Architecture AG, Erlenbach
Grill/Bar: Gigon/Guyer Architekten, Zurich and Atelier Zurich
(Gate, Villa Rosau):
Trix Wetter, Zurich
Photography: © Roman Keller, Zurich
Refurbishment of Villa Rosau, Zurich
Address: Claridenstrasse 10
CH – 8002 Zürich Switzerland
Programme: Club Baur-au-Lac, lounge, restaurant, kitchen, seminar rooms, offices
Commission: 2009
Planning/Construction: 2009 – 2020
Gross Floor Area (SIA 416): 2‘104 m2
Client for Basic Fit-out: Villa Rosau AG, Zurich
Client’s Representative: Conarenco AG, Zurich
Planning/Construction:ARGE Rosau:Gigon/Guyer and b+p baurealisation ag, Zurich
Architecture:Annette Gigon / Mike Guyer, Architects, Zurich
Collaborators: Christian Maggioni (Team Manager from 11/2012), Mathias Rösner, Michael Winklmann (Team Manager until 10/2012), Roman Vetterli, Martin Bischofberger, Christoph Dober,
Karla Pilz, Griet Aesaert, Daniel Friedmann
Construction Manager: b+p baurealisation ag, Zürich
Interior Design,Club Baur-au-Lac: Atelier Zürich GmbH, Zurich
Landscape Architecture: Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten, Zurich
Structural Engineer: Locher Bauingenieure AG, Zurich
Electrical Engineer: IGB B. Graf AG, St. Gallen
Building Services Engineer: Gruenberg + Partner AG, Zurich
Building Physics Engineer: Kopitsis Bauphysik AG, Wohlen
Fire Engineer: Makiol+Wiederkehr, Beinwil am See
Photography: © Roman Keller, Zurich