MVRDVがベルリンオフィスの開設を記念して行っている、ドイツでの30年の活動を紹介する展覧会「MVRDV Haus Berlin」です。会場は「Architektur Galerie Berlin」です。展覧会の公式ページはこちら。展示は2020年8月22日まで行っているとのこと。
Ahead of the opening of their new Berlin office in September, MVRDV has launched a new exhibition at the Architektur Galerie Berlin, celebrating almost 30 years’ worth of work in Germany. The walls of MVRDV Haus Berlin form a densely packed archive that shows off both current and past German projects by MVRDV – including unseen projects from our past and newly-revealed future projects. At the same time, a team of MVRDV’s architects working on German projects transforms part of the exhibition into a ‘working office’ that gives visitors an insight into MVRDV’s working methods.