SHARE ファラによる、ポルトガル・ポルトの、住宅「house along a wall」。リビングとその他の空間を波打つような白い面で区切り、床の三角形のテラゾパターンとキッチンカウンター、3枚のドア、円形開口部によって空間を定義

ファラが設計した、ポルトガル・ポルトの、住宅「house along a wall」です。リビングとその他の空間を波打つような白い面で区切り、床の三角形のテラゾパターンとキッチンカウンター、3枚のドア、円形開口部によって空間を定義しています。
ファラは、フィリップ・マガリャインシュ(filipe magalhães)、アナ・ルイサ・ソアレス(ana luisa soares)、アーメッド・ベルホジャ(ahmed belkhodja)の3人が主宰する建築設計事務所で2013年に設立されました。それぞれ、SANAA、伊東豊雄、アトリエ・ワンという日本の設計事務所に勤務やインターンした経験をもつことも特徴です。またフィリップとアナは、日本滞在中は中銀カプセルタワーに居住していました。

fala atelierのプロフィール

ファラは、フィリップ・マガリャインシュ(filipe magalhães)、アナ・ルイサ・ソアレス(ana luisa soares)、アーメッド・ベルホジャ(ahmed belkhodja)の3人が主宰する建築設計事務所で2013年に設立されました。それぞれ、SANAA、伊東豊雄、アトリエ・ワンという日本の設計事務所に勤務やインターンした経験をもつことも特徴です。またフィリップとアナは、日本滞在中は中銀カプセルタワーに居住していました。
filipe magalhães
porto, pt; june 13th 1987
2005 faculdade de arquitectura do porto master in architecture / 2009 fakulteta za arhitekturo, ljubljana erasmus program / 2011‘abstract/figurative’ masters’ dissertation, harry gugger studio, basel junior architect / 2012 nakagin capsule tower, tokyo resident, sanaa, tokyo architect / 2013 fala atelier, porto partner / 2015 bratislava’s fa visiting professor / 2016 liege fa visiting professor / 2018 tu munich visiting professor, munster fa visiting professor / 2019 iscte lisbon visiting professor / 2020 fala #80, 2G magazine monography, rice university, houston spotlight award, university of toronto fa visiting
ana luisa soares
porto, pt; december 3rd 1988
2005 faculdade de arquitectura do porto master in architecture / 2011 harry gugger studio, basel junior architect / 2012 university of tokyo exchange program, nakagin capsule tower, tokyo resident, toyo ito, tokyo junior architect‘the matter of ideas’ masters’ dissertation / 2013 fala atelier, porto partner / 2015 bratislava’s fa visiting professor / 2016 liege fa visiting professor / 2018 tu munich visiting professor, munster fa visiting professor / 2019 head genève visiting professor, 2020 fala #80, 2G magazine monography rice university, houston spotlight award, university of toronto fa visiting professor
ahmed belkhodja
lausanne, ch; april 24th 1990
2007 epf lausanne bachelor of architecture / 2009 chalmers gothenburg erasmus program / 2010 obra architects, new york intern architect, atelier bow-wow, tokyo intern architect, 2011 harry gugger studio, basel intern architect, eth zürich master in architecture / 2012 ethz laboratory, singapore researcher
2013 ethz studio prof. adam caruso diploma thesis, 2014 fala atelier partner, 2018 università iuav di venezia visiting professor, 2019 royal college of art, london visiting professor, 2020 fala #80, 2G magazine monography, rice university, houston spotlight award, university of toronto fa visiting professor
head genève visiting professor
The program for a former garage of a housing block was kept in limbo: maybe an apartment, a shop, a cafe or an art gallery.
A freely curved wall solves the existing spatial inconsistencies and creates one long continuous room connecting the street with the garden. The main living area and a set of potential secondary programs are separated by the wavy white surface and light flows freely through the living gallery.
The old metal gate is replaced with a set of strict hammered glass panels. A circle of black marble, which is a both a door handle and a mailbox, marks the entrance and addresses the city.
The back façade is completely open, defining a composition of isolated elements: a sliding window, a blue concrete freestanding column, a final circle of black marble. The backyard has a seamless perimeter of rough white walls, a terrace and a calm garden.
The materiality of the project is light and abstract. The space is defined through the geometry of the terrazzo floor pattern and a number of carefully placed elements. The white-blue triangulated terrazzo pattern follows the curved wall, allowing the living area to maintain a certain unity and coherence. The flying kitchen counter, three green doors and the circular opening imply possible usages while suggesting also a certain complexity. The garage, that could still work as such, became an uncertain spatial experience.
house along a wall
porto, pt; 2018
status: private commission; built
project team:
filipe magalhães
ana luisa soares
ahmed belkhodja
costanza favero
ana lima
lera samovich
joana sendas
paulo sousa
landscape: pomo
surface area: 150m2
client: private
contractor: civiflanco lda
photography: ricardo loureiro
fala is an architecture practice based in porto. led by filipe magalhães, ana luisa soares and ahmed belkhodja, the atelier takes lightness and joy very seriously.
fala has lectured at different universities and institutions, including the architectural association, the riba and the barbican in london, the gsapp in new york, the graham foundation in chicago, the centre for fine arts in brussels, the versailles’ faculty of architecture in paris and the casa dell’architettura in rome; besides its current teaching positions in toronto, geneva and lisbon, among others, fala has taught at the faculties of architecture in venice, munich, porto and london. the atelier’s work has been exhibited at the architecture biennials in venice and chicago, the serralves foundation and the pavillon de l’arsenal in paris, and in single exhibitions in all over europe. fala’s work has been widely published in international media platforms; in parallel, the atelier published ’01’, a collection of early projects by the atelier. monographic issues 2G #80 and AVproyectos #098 are dedicated to fala’s work. among other honors, fala was awarded the spotlight award by the rice university and selected as one of the 50 most relevant young offices in the world by domus magazine in 2020.