SHARE アトリエ・ワンの塚本由晴と貝島桃代が2021年7月に行った、ロンドンの王立芸術院主催の講演会の動画
In the lecture, which is titled Architectural Behaviorology, the architects discussed the architectural impact of the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 1964 and 2021 and how it has affected their own practice.
The duo explained their approach to architecture –how they try to create a continuous loop between research, teaching and their own design work – before discussing how they have increasingly shifted their attention to rural areas of Japan.
Projects featured in the talk include Atelier Bow-wow’s work over a number of years in Momonoura, a small fishing village that was devastated by the Tsunami in 2011.
Tsukamoto presented projects including the studio’s Tanada Terrace Office pavilion, a concept for a rural office that Atelier Bow-Wow built with Muji in an area of Japanese farmland dominated by terraced rice fields.