SHARE 杉山幸一郎の建築展「スイスのかたち、日本のかたち」が開催。ピーター・ズントー事務所出身でスイスを拠点とする建築家で、ドローイングやオブジェが公開される
- 日程
- 2022年1月20日(木)–1月29日(土)

杉山幸一郎の建築展「スイスのかたち、日本のかたち」が、東京・本駒込のギャラリー ときの忘れもので開催されます。杉山は、ピーター・ズントー事務所出身でスイスを拠点とする建築家で、ドローイングやオブジェが公開されます。会期は2022年1月20日(木)~1月29日(土)11:00-19:00(※会期中無休)。会場の場所はこちら(Google Map)。杉山は、アーキテクチャーフォトでの連載エッセイ「For The Architectural Innocent」の執筆でも知られています。
スイス・クールに在住する若手建築家・杉山幸一郎(b. 1984)の初個展を開催します。杉山は建築設計をする傍ら、ドローイングやオブジェクトを制作しています。
日本大学、東京藝術大学大学院にて建築を学び、在学中に世界屈指の大学、スイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校(ピーターメルクリ スタジオ)に留学。
2013年に若手建築家の登竜門と言われるUnder 30 Architects exhibitionに選出されて出展しました。2014年文化庁新進芸術家海外研修制度により、スイスの建築家ピーター・ズントーのアトリエで研修。2015年から2021年5月までアトリエ ピーター ズントーに勤務し、ワークショップチーフを経て、プロジェクトリーダーとして活躍。現在はスイスと日本でフリーランスの建築家として活動している。
本展では、建物の表層を抽象化して線や色の面に置き換えて表現しようと試みた水彩ドローイングシリーズ〈Line & Fill〉や、ドローイングを立体化したオブジェクト、また、小さな建築のようで家具としても使える作品群をご覧いただきます。

«The honest and healthy form»
The Great Nature of Switzerland
It’s been about seven and a half years since I started living in Switzerland, a place surrounded by nature: mountains, heavy snow, intense sunshine, and clear lakes. And now I have realized the changing of the seasons, something I never noticed when I lived in the big cities.
I can say that I have finally figured out the four seasons, which I had only “understood” as information through the events that came one after another.The city of Chur, where I am based, is surrounded by the Alps on all sides, and there is always a big mountain just beyond the street. When the hills are full of fresh greenery in the spring, I feel protected and surrounded by nature. On the other hand, on a winter day when the sky is dark and gloomy, the same mountains look somewhat grumpy and make me feel depressed.
At supermarkets, the selection of products changes dramatically to match the seasonal fruits and vegetables. I can’t wait for spring to come, and when I see the green shoots begin to grow, I feel the healthy life force. The feeling of overcoming winter and looking forward to spring that the people who lived in the Alps must have felt long ago can still be felt through our daily lives today.
The most significant change I have experienced through living in Switzerland has been to “feel” nature, namely, how humans and nature interact with the seasons and climates.
The honest and healthy form
For example, when we design a building, we try to recreate the site’s natural environment by planting trees and sometimes even creating a pond. These are, of course, imitated nature that has been modified and edited.
The nature that has been there since ancient times, and the nature found in the building materials that are part of it, is pure, potent, and large enough to create a space that encompasses us. Therefore, I have a great interest in revealing the simpleness and honesty of materials through architectural spaces.
Architecture is created by what is produced from the earth: timber from the forest, stone from the rocky mountains, soil and metal from the ground. We use materials that are processed from these materials. Without fear of misunderstanding, I want to say; architecture is «a gift from the earth». It is the result of the transformation of what was already there. It is made from a variety of materials collected on a specific site on the earth.
I want to use the materials drawn from the earth in their natural form and use their characteristics as much as possible. In other words, I like architecture to be a «condensed form of nature» as much as possible, rather than processing the materials and transforming them to the point where the original form and characteristics cannot be felt.
Rather than trying to create something or design something, I want the form to emerge from the natural behavior of the materials. When I think about design, I don’t start with an arbitrary shape but rather a process where the shape appears at the end of the process, and I have no choice but to make it appear this way. It is the way I felt architecture should be after coming into contact with Swiss and Japanese culture.
You have an idea, you have a concept, and you knead it over and over again, but you hold out until the limit of putting it into shape. The shape that emerges, in the end, may not be something new, but it is a shape that convinces you that it can only be this way.
I would like to call such a shape «The honest and healthy form».