SHARE 山村健+ナタリア サンツ・ラヴィーニャ / YSLA Architectsによる、埼玉の住宅「Casa Eri」。若い施主家族の住宅で祖父母の家の傍らに計画、中庭に面するテラスが三世代の集う場として機能、家族が多目的に使い行為を共有する“ゴロゴロ・スペース”は未来の変化にも柔軟に対応

山村健+ナタリア サンツ・ラヴィーニャ / YSLA Architectsによる、埼玉の住宅「Casa Eri」です。若い施主家族の住宅で祖父母の家の傍らに計画、中庭に面するテラスが三世代の集う場として機能、家族が多目的に使い行為を共有する“ゴロゴロ・スペース”は未来の変化にも柔軟に対応します。
Casa Eriの特徴の一つは、中庭に面したテラスである。内部と一体的に繋がったテラスは新居の中心的な場所となっている。家族の団欒の場所となり、天気の良いにはこのテラスでご飯を食べ、ここから庭に降りて遊び、寝転がりながら読書もできる。さらに、祖父母にとってもテラスは新たな空間であり、ふらっと立ち寄り孫と遊ぶこともできる。テラスは三世代が集う場所として設計している。

Casa Eriの特徴の一つは、中庭に面したテラスである。内部と一体的に繋がったテラスは新居の中心的な場所となっている。家族の団欒の場所となり、天気の良いにはこのテラスでご飯を食べ、ここから庭に降りて遊び、寝転がりながら読書もできる。さらに、祖父母にとってもテラスは新たな空間であり、ふらっと立ち寄り孫と遊ぶこともできる。テラスは三世代が集う場所として設計している。
設計:YSLA Architects
ステージング:Arieh Rosen & Noam Levigner
階数:地上2階 地下0階
各階床面積:一階52.91m2 二階23.38m2
種別 | 使用箇所 | 商品名(メーカー名) |
外装・屋根 | 屋根 | |
外装・屋根 | バルコニー | |
外装・壁 | 外壁、庇 | |
外装・床 | ウッドデッキ | 天然木ウッドデッキDE01017(サンワカンパニー) |
外装・床 | 外構 | 砕石敷き、既存庭石 |
外装・建具 | 窓 | |
外装・建具 | 玄関扉 | 鉄+塗装 |
内装・床 | 玄関、リビング、書斎 | シェンフローリング[プロヴァンスシェンプレミアムマット](IOC) |
内装・壁 | 玄関、リビング、書斎 | PB+AEP塗装 |
内装・天井 | 玄関、リビング、書斎 | PB+AEP塗装 |
内装・床 | 和室 | |
内装・壁 | 和室 | |
内装・天井 | 和室 | |
内装・建具 | 遮光カーテン | |
内装・建具 | レースカーテン | |
内装・家具 | 階段および飾り棚、書斎机 | ゴム集成材+AEP塗装 |
内装・家具 | 階段手すり | 木+AEP塗装 真鍮マット仕上げ[バイブレーターで研磨の上、塗装] |
Casa Eri is a house for a family with 2 kids. The family currently lived in an apartment in Tokyo but wanted to move out of the city center and closer to the grandparents’ house. After looking for a place to build their new house they decided to build it in the same plot as their grandparents.
We wanted to design the new house keeping the values of the existing grandparents’ house, views and sunlight. At the same time, we wanted to design an outdoor space for the families to encounter.
When we first visited the site, the owner brought us around the property to meet the neighbors. We start the visit going from the garden, went to the back patio, to the neighbor’s patio through the neighbor’s field… This relation between patios and garden was as fluid and natural as the relation between neighbors, as natural as the relation between families. We wanted to design a house that was part of this environment.
The grandparents’ house had a tatami room in the ground floor for the nieces to play and stay over. This was also the room in which every year the Hinakazari (Girl’s festival decoration) was displayed. We designed the new patio and the new house around this area, creating an outdoor space, a patio, in between the two houses. A place for the families to meet while keeping independence and privacy.
The living spaces of the house, the dinning and the “goro goro” space, were developed around this outdoor patio while the dormitory was placed in the second floor and designed as a tatami room. A work station was also designed in the ground floor with the possibility of being connected or isolated from the living areas and with special attention to the light and privacy.
Originally in Japanese “goro” symbolized the sound of something rolling, therefore goro goro can be used to talk about lying down or turning over. With the time goro goro came to mean lying down at home, spending time doing nothing special. That’s how we imagined the living area, the goro goro space, a flexible area in which each family member can decide what to do and how to do it. A fluid space to lay, to sit, to walk, to read, to paint, to watch, to do origami, ikebana,…or to do nothing. Placed in between the dining and the second floor dormitory this space adds a new dimension of distension in between night activities and daily functions. Is a place for the family, parents and children to relax, to come together, to exchange, to communicate, a space for active relaxation. Goro goro space is the place the children will remember in the future.
Casa Eri
Site: Saitama
Use: House
Design: YSLA Architects
Structure: Yuji Miyazu
Construction: Washin Architect office
Stage Creative Direction: Arieh Rosen & Noam Levigner
Structure: Wood
Foundation: Concrete Foundation,Wood Pile
Stories: Two stories
Plot area: 173.88m
Building area: 52.91m2
Floor area: 76.29m2
FAR: 43.88%(max 100%)
Area: 1F 52.91m2,2F 23.38m2
Height: 6.90m
Construction: May 2021
Photography: Munetaka Onodera