SHARE カーシフ・チョウドリ / URBANAによる、バングラデシュの病院「フレンドシップ・ホスピタル」が2021年の王立英国建築家協会国際賞を受賞。サイクロン被害を受けた地域に医療を提供する施設で、持続可能で低コストで建てられ、海面上昇の影響を受けた環境条件にも対応

カーシフ・チョウドリ / URBANAが設計した、バングラデシュの病院「フレンドシップ・ホスピタル」が2021年の王立英国建築家協会国際賞(RIBA International Prize 2021)を受賞しています。サイクロン被害を受けた地域に医療を提供する施設で、持続可能で低コストで建てられ、海面上昇の影響を受けた環境条件にも対応しました。
バングラデシュ南西部のベンガル地方の水を湛えた風景の中に建つ、カーシフ・チョウドリ(Kashef Chowdhury / URBANA)が設計した遠隔地コミュニティ病院が、優れたデザインと社会的影響に与えられる建築界の世界最高賞「RIBA国際賞2021」を受賞しました。
「RIBAと審査員は、世界の周辺地域から、建築談義の中心へと導き、世界で最も重要な賞の対象となるプロジェクトを特定したのです。私は、このことが、資源や手段が限られているにもかかわらず、あるいは限られているからこそ、人類と自然の両方に配慮した建築に取り組み、今日我々が直面している惑星規模の緊急事態に集団で立ち向かおうとする、より多くの人々を鼓舞することになると確信しています。クライアントであるフレンドシップとその創設者であるルナ・カーン(Runa Khan)氏の絶え間ない支援と理解、そして、私たちの社会、文化、そして最も愛する自然へのコミットメントという厳しい四半世紀を共に過ごした多くの建築家、エンジニア、コンサルタントに、私は心から感謝しています。」
受賞プロジェクトは、世界的に有名な多分野のフランス人建築家・都市計画家であるオディール・デック氏を審査委員長とする著名な大審査団によって審査されました。審査員団は以下の通りです。高い評価を得ているイギリスのアーティスト兼デザイナーのEs Devlin CBE、アメリカの建築家でアメリカとパリにオフィスを持つスタジオ・ギャングの創設者のジーン・ギャング、建築家で中国上海に拠点を置くネリ&フーの創設パートナーのロサーナ・フー。ブラジル人建築家で2018年RIBA国際賞を受賞し、2018年国際新進建築家に選ばれてグスタボ・ウタボ。
カーシフ・チョウドリ / URBANAについて
バングラデシュと中東で育った後、1995年にバングラデシュ工科大学(BUET)で建築を学び卒業。2006年、シドニーで開催されたグレン・マーカット・マスタークラスに参加。建築家Uttam Kumar Sahaとの共同作業を経て、1995年にURABANAを設立、2004年からは単独代表として活動を続けている。カーシフ・チョウドリは、スタジオを拠点とし、風土、素材、文脈(自然と人間の両方)に重点を置き、歴史に根ざした作品を制作しています。スタジオでのプロジェクトは、革新性と独創的な表現のレベルに到達するために、研究のための時間を長くとっています。作品は、船や「チャール」の低コストの隆起した集落の改造から、トレーニングセンター、モスク、アートギャラリー、美術館、住宅、多世帯住宅、企業の本社オフィスまで多岐にわたる。
バングラデシュのノースサウス大学やBRAC大学で客員教授を務め、ダッカの大学の最終学年の審査員も務めている。アガ・カーン建築賞の最終選考に2度残り、アーキテクチャー・レビュー誌のAR+D Emerging Architecture Award 2012では最優秀賞を受賞している。

Bangladesh hospital wins RIBA International Prize 2021 for the world’s best new building
A remote community hospital, set in the water-laden landscape of the Bengal in south-west Bangladesh, designed by Kashef Chowdhury/URBANA, has won the RIBA International Prize 2021, architecture’s highest global accolade for design excellence and social impact.
The sustainable and low-cost hospital delivers essential healthcare services to the local communities of Satkhira in the southern region of Bangladesh, providing a medical lifeline for thousands of people in an area of the coast that was heavily affected by a major cyclone in 2007. Lauded for the care and humanity at the heart of its design, the building responds innovatively to the challenging environmental conditions of the Bengal, a fragile and dynamic environment, directly impacted, without protection, to rising sea levels.
Working with long-standing NGO client, Friendship, the hospital was commissioned as part of the organisation’s mission to strengthen and empower remote rural areas. Once surrounded by grain fields, the rising sea water has resulted in this agricultural land being converted into shrimp fisheries. Water is therefore central to the hospital’s design scheme; a canal cuts through the length of the site, separating the inpatients and outpatients. Rainwater from all areas of the complex is drained and stored in a newly built tank – an essential resource and tool to prevent water logging as the saline groundwater is unusable for most practical purposes and draining is needed from increasingly incessant rains. This water channel also helps with micro climatic cooling during the unbearably hot summers, avoiding the need for high energy consuming air-conditioning.
Reflecting the NGO’s commitment to lasting social change, Kashef Chowdhury/URBANA’s design creates an uplifting and inviting experience for visitors, patients and healthcare professionals and a peaceful environment consistent with health and healing. A series of intimate courtyards bring light and natural ventilation to the wards, providing spaces for patients and visitors to rest with viewpoints of the natural surroundings. Sensitive areas of the hospital are protected from direct tropical light through shielded corridors and double-layered arches. Built for longevity, the hospital campus is crafted in local brickwork chosen for its resilient qualities and low cost, with openings in the brickwork offering private shaded areas and natural cooling.
Odile Decq, Chair of the RIBA International Prize Grand Jury, said:
“Friendship Hospital embodies an architecture of humanity and protection that reflects the Friendship NGO’s philanthropic mission to provide dignity and hope to communities through social innovation. Kashef Chowdhury/URBANA has achieved a building designed with a human touch which is deftly integrated with its surroundings and celebrates local, and traditional crafted materials. The hospital is relevant to critical global challenges, such as unequal access to healthcare and the crushing impact of climate breakdown on vulnerable communities. It is a demonstration of how beautiful architecture can be achieved through good design when working with a relatively modest budget and with difficult contextual constraints. This hospital is a celebration of a building dedicated to humans.”
RIBA President Simon Allford said:
“Friendship Hospital is an exemplar of thoughtful and creative design of a building of great importance and scale, built within a modest budget, and crafted with the local community and its natural surroundings in mind. Kashef Chowdhury/URBANA has created innovative, clear, refined, economical and delightful architecture with social impact – providing essential healthcare services in the rural area and addressing the increasing effects of the climate emergency. I am delighted that it is being celebrated as the International Prize 2021 winner.”
Kashef Chowdhury said:
“In a sublimely important moment, RIBA and the jurors have identified a project from the global periphery to bring to the centre of architectural discourse and be the subject of one of the most important global awards. I am encouraged that this may inspire more of us to commit, not in spite of, but because of limitations of resources and means, to an architecture of care both for humanity and for nature, to rise collectively to the urgencies that we face today on a planetary scale. I am incredibly grateful to our client Friendship, and their founder Runa Khan for their unending support and understanding, and to the many architects, engineers and consultants who have been with us through the rigorous quarter century of our commitment to society, culture and our most beloved nature.”
Runa Khan, Founder and Executive Director of Friendship said:
“Having worked with communities most impacted by climate change over the last 20 years, I have seen, time and time again, proof of my belief that ‘The poor cannot afford poor solutions’! Working with Kashef was a joy for us. Someone who could efficiently use local materials, ensure efficiency of the work we were to deliver and keep the spirit of Friendship alive, and not ever compromise on quality either for himself or for the spirit we wanted it to be. Truly for me he was the architect who could bring this – in his design, his care and delivery. With the interplay of light, clay, air and water, Friendship Hospital Shyamnagar comes more alive in beauty with the purpose it serves. It brings new hope of a better tomorrow to some of the most climate impacted people on this planet.”
Friendship Hospital was selected as the winner of the RIBA International Prize 2021 from a selection of three outstanding shortlisted entries.
The winning project was judged by a distinguished Grand Jury chaired by world-renowned multidisciplinary French architect and urban planner, Odile Decq. The jury members are: Es Devlin CBE, acclaimed British artist and designer, Jeanne Gang, American architect and founder of Studio Gang with offices in the USA and Paris, Rossana Hu, architect and founding Partner of Neri&Hu based in Shanghai, China and Gustavo Utrabo, Brazilian architect and winner of the 2018 RIBA International Prize and named the 2018 International Emerging Architect.
About Kashef Chowdhury/URBANA
Kashef Mahboob Chowdhury was born in Dhaka, the son of a civil engineer, growing up in Bangladesh and the Middle East before graduating in architecture from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 1995. In 2006, he attended the Glenn Murcutt Masterclass in Sydney.
After working with architect Uttam Kumar Saha, he established the practice URABANA in partnership in 1995 and from 2004 has continued as the sole Principal of the firm. Kashef Chowdhury has a studio based practice whose works find root in history with strong emphasis on climate, materials and context – both natural and human. Projects in the studio are given extended time for research so as to reach a level of innovation and original expression. Works range from conversion of ship and low cost raised settlements in ‘chars’ to training centre, mosque, art gallery, museum, residences and multi-family housing to corporate head offices.
Chowdhury has been a visiting faculty at the North South University and BRAC University, both in Bangladesh and has been a juror in final year crits in universities in Dhaka. He was twice finalist in the Aga Khan Award for Architecture and has won first prize in Architectural Review’s AR+D Emerging Architecture Award 2012.
Architect practice: Kashef Chowdhury/URBANA
Date of completion April 2018
Client: Friendship NGO
Project city/town: Shyamnagar
Internal area: 4,777.00 m²
Contractor company name: Golam Mostofa Limited
Structural Design: Descon Engineers
Electrical Engineering: Independent
Plumbing Design: M/S High Speed Engineers
Sewage Treatment: Sigma Engineers Ltd.