SHARE MVRDVによる照明器具シリーズ「High Profile」。照明のプロファイルを利用した製品。多彩・概念的・持続可能を目指して、工場を調査する過程で見出したアルミ端材等を使用するアイデアを考案。効果的な再利用を行う為の専用デジタルツールも開発

MVRDVがデザインした、照明器具シリーズ「High Profile」です。
サステイナブルデザインに新たな光を – MVRDVがDelta Lightの照明器具を裏返した新デザインをミラノデザインウィークで発表
ミラノデザインウィークで、MVRDVとデルタライトは、余ったアルミニウムのプロファイルからインスピレーションを得た照明器具のシリーズ「High Profile」を発表します。このデザインは、製造工程を批判的に見つめ、通常は廃棄物として捨てられる要素に機会だけでなく、美しさも見出しています。
プロファイル照明は建築の重要な要素ですが、端材はしばしば残品となります。この端材がデザインの原点となりました。デルタライトの豊富なプロファイルシリーズのスケールとサイズを変えることで、この要素から照明器具のシリーズを作ることができました。「High Profile」シリーズは、キューブ型のペンダント照明、アーチ型の壁掛け照明、プロファイルを並べた自立型照明があります。ピンク、オーカー、ライトグリーン、ライトブルーなど、MVRDVが得意とする表情豊かな色彩が、白、黒、ゴールドで構成されるデルタライトの品揃えに加わり、インダストリアルな表情を和らげています。
このデザインアプローチを長期的に機能させるため、MVRDVの技術タスクフォースであるMVRDV NEXTは、50種類のプロファイルをすべて使って可能な構成を生成し、リアルタイムデータで評価できる「プロファイル・リミキサー」と呼ばれるスクリプトを開発しました。このツールにより、High Profileのコンセプトは、余ったプロファイルの利用可能性の変化や、サイズ、形状、構成に対する要求の変化に対応し、継続的にデザインを開発・調整することが可能になるのです。
High Profileという名前は、普段は舞台裏にあるものがスポットライトを浴びるということを表しています。このシリーズは、精密に設計されたプロファイルを集め、ひとつひとつ丁寧に手作業で作られているため、職人技へのオマージュでもあるのです。
High Profileは、工業製品の要素から作られていることに加え、生産プロセス全体を通して、素材の再利用と持続可能性を問いかけています。すでにあるものを再利用することで、新しいアルミニウム部品を製造したり、生産工場から輸送したりする必要がなく、環境への影響を大幅に軽減することができます。また、照明器具は分解することができ、原材料の一部を再利用することができます。このデザインは、消費者が身の回りにある素材について注意深く考え、日常の中に美を見出し、普段は無視しているものに機会を見出すよう促しているのです。

New light on sustainable design – MVRDV turns Delta Light’s luminaires inside out with new design presented at Milan Design Week
On June 7 at Milan Design Week, MVRDV and Delta Light will present the High Profile series, a range of luminaires inspired by residual product: leftover aluminium profiles. The design looks critically at the manufacturing process, finding not only opportunity, but also beauty in elements that are normally discarded as waste.
Belgian lighting company Delta Light closely collaborates with architects in their projects and is a regular guest at Milan Design Week. In the search for a designer for their latest collection, Delta Light looked to MVRDV. In addition to a high-quality product that would be consistent with the Delta Light catalogue, they also requested a design that would be bold, colourful, and conceptual, in line with the architecture that MVRDV is renowned for.
The team of MVRDV architects and interior specialists, led by Jacob van Rijs, decided to make a feature out of the difference between the way a luminaire is presented in a showroom and the less glamourous reality of how a luminaire is crafted and produced. A sustainable approach to the production of the new range was the starting point; the designers wanted to work with recycled materials where possible.
“The project started with the question of whether we could develop new possibilities with Delta Light’s waste material, instead of inventing a completely new product”, says MVRDV founding partner Jacob van Rijs. “A visit to Delta Light’s showroom and factory showed an interesting contrast between the lighting, which was presented amidst a great art collection in their showroom, and the factory where raw materials, components, cables, drivers, screws, caps, packaging – in fact, everything that goes into a luminaire – was visible. In particular, the stacks of aluminium profiles in various shades of white, silver, black, and gold proved to be a source of inspiration. The amazing details of these profiles are usually hidden inside the wall or ceiling; we wanted to make their beauty visible as the main feature of the new design.”
Profile lighting is a key part of architecture, but offcuts are often a residual product. These scrap elements became the starting point of the design. By varying the scale and size of the extensive Delta Light profile range, a series of luminaires could be created from this element. The High Profile series presents a cube-shaped pendant luminaire, a wall fixture in the shape of an arch, and a freestanding model with profiles placed side by side. The industrial look is softened by giving the profiles a colour dip; the series comes in pink, ochre, light green and light blue among others, adding MVRDV’s well-known use of expressive colours to the usually white, black and gold assortment of Delta Light.
To make the design approach functional in the long-term, MVRDV’s technology taskforce MVRDV NEXT developed a script called the “Profile Remixer” which can generate possible compositions with all of the 50 types of profiles, and evaluate them with real-time data. With this tool, the High Profile concept makes an allowance for the ongoing development and adjustment of the design, accommodating the changing availability of leftover profiles and changing demands for size, shape, and composition.
The name ‘High Profile’ illustrates the process of putting in the spotlight that which is normally found backstage. At the same time this series is an homage to craftsmanship, because each luminaire is carefully made by hand, collecting precisely engineered and designed profiles.
“Made-to-measure profile lighting has been part of the Delta Light range from the very beginning, and has grown to become an extensive collection”, says Peter Ameloot, managing director of Delta Light. “We were very surprised and at the same time very happy to see that MVRDV not only appreciated the level of precision and expertise that goes into the design and production of these profiles, but that they even wanted to bring the raw material to the forefront. To see a product that is usually completely integrated and anonymous in architecture evolve to become such an eyecatcher, was a very inspiring exercise for us.”
In addition to being made from industrial elements, High Profile also questions the re-use of materials and sustainability throughout the whole production process. By re-using what is already there, new aluminium parts don’t need to be manufactured or transported from the production plant – significantly reducing the environmental impact. The luminaires can also be disassembled, meaning that a part of the raw materials can be reused. The design therefore invites consumers to think carefully about the materials that are all around them; to see beauty in the everyday and to see opportunity in what we usually ignore.
Status: Realised
Programmes: Products , Interior
Architect: MVRDV
Founding partner in charge: Jacob van Rijs
Partner: Fokke Moerel
Design Team: Klaas HofmanBoris MaasElien Deceuninck
Year: 2022