SHARE MADのマー・ヤンソンのキュレーションによる建築展「Blueprint Beijing」。世界各国から20名を招聘して開催。建築を“人間社会における最大かつ最も長く続く公共メディア”と捉えて、“未来”をテーマに展覧会を構成。日本からは伊東豊雄と石上純也が出展
- 日程
- 2023年1月14日(土)–3月12日(日)

MADアーキテクツのマー・ヤンソンのキュレーションによる建築展「Blueprint Beijing」です。
マー・ヤンソンのキュレーションによる「Blueprint Beijing」展で、世界各国の建築家20人が北京と未来を描く
第1回北京ビエンナーレ(2022年)の締めくくりとなる展覧会「Blueprint Beijing」(キュレーター:マー・ヤンソン、共催:MADアーキテクツ)が、2023年1月13日に正式に開幕しました。
北京ビエンナーレの建築部門として、世界各国から主な参加建築家/アーティスト20名を招聘し、建築模型、インスタレーション、写真、映像などを含む様々なメディアでそのアイデアを紹介します。また、歴史的なアーカイブを通じて、先見性のあるアイデアを提示した8人の建築家やコレクティブを紹介するとともに、歴史的な意義を持つ中国のSF映画4本を展示します。地域も世代も異なる建築家たちが、キュレーターの問いかけに応え、北京の未来と都市について、最終的にこのテーマに関する独自のヴィジョンを提示したのです。この展覧会は集団制作であり、作品の大部分はサイトスペシフィックなコミッションや 改造された複製品として制作されています。本展で展示される作品は、地理的・年齢的な制約を超えて、思想や感情を衝突させ、対話させ、共鳴させることで、鑑賞者の都市の未来に対する想像力を刺激するものです。
「Blueprint Beijingのメインテーマは『未来』です。展覧会では、誰もが知っている過去の北京のパートと、誰もが想像する北京のパートがあります。私たちは、都市や建物について理想的なヴィジョンと創造的なイマジネーションを持つ建築家たちの作品を、過去100年にわたる世界中の歴史的なビジョンとともに、ひとつの空間の中に並べました。サイトの規模は大きくありませんが、コンテンツは非常に濃く、豊かで情報量が多いです。2023年にBlueprint Beijingがオープンすることも、今回の展示内容と非常にマッチしています。なぜなら、未来は想像力に満ち、エネルギーに溢れ、よりオープンで相互に絡み合う未来でなければならないからです」

Twenty architects from around the world envision Beijing and the future in the exhibition Blueprint Beijing, curated by Ma Yansong
Blueprint Beijing, the concluding exhibition of the first Beijing Biennial (2022) – curated by Ma Yansong and co-organized by MAD Architects – officially opened on January 13, 2023.
As the architecture section of the Beijing Biennial, the exhibition invites 20 main participating architects/artists from around the globe, presenting their ideas in a variety of media including architectural models, installations, photography and video. The exhibition also presents 8 architects and collectives showcasing visionary ideas through historic archives, as well as presenting 4 Chinese science fiction films with historic significance. Architects from different regions and generations responded to the curator’s questions about the future and the city of Beijing, ultimately presenting their unique vision on the topic. The exhibition is a collective creation with the vast majority of works created as site-specific commissions or adapted reproductions. The works in the exhibition transcend geography and age so as to collide, dialogue and resonate with ideas and emotions in order to stimulate the viewer’s imagination about the future of the city.
“The main theme of Blueprint Beijing is the future. In the exhibition, one part is about the Beijing of the past that everyone is familiar with, and the other part is about the Beijing in everyone’s imagination. We have juxtaposed the works of architects with idealistic visions and creative imagination about cities and buildings with historic visions from around the globe over the past century within one space. Although the site is not large the content is very dense, rich and informative. The opening of Blueprint Beijing in 2023 is also very much in line with the content of our exhibition, because the future must be full of imagination, full of energy, a more open and mutually entangled future.” – Ma Yansong
The blueprint, as an architect’s tool, refers to both the archive of history and the imagination of the future. Great architects transform reality through visionary thinking. Buildings are the largest and longest-lasting public medium in human society, and it is crucial to continuously push forward their pioneering nature, to be able to inspire and contrast with the ethos and culture of a city, a region and a nation. History is formed by our imagination of the future throughout the past. Through this exhibition, a key selection of inspiring movements is presented that developed in Beijing and around the globe, all envisioning the future. Progress in urbanism and architecture comes forth from the imagination of a better life. An architect’s creative task is to find a new direction through the constant confrontation and pull between tradition and innovation, local and global, individual and group, preservation and development — it is an experiment that never ends.
The long-term goal of the exhibition is to create a platform for open and international dialogue within the professions of urbanism and architecture, as a pertinent reminder to look beyond differences and politics. While also creating space to rethink the future of China’s capital through an open, inclusive and engaging strategy that unites global voices with both established and emerging talent in China. In its concluding chapter the exhibition unveils a video installation that presents a manifesto of sorts, inviting participants to respond to the question of what connects our past to the future, the question of identity as an architect, the future of the profession and what Beijing stands for within this context. Ultimately the installation presents an open-ended discussion as a provocative conclusion to the exhibition, with the aim to open up communication, both locally and internationally, for a more open, inclusive and livable city.
The exhibition is open to the public from January 14, till March 12, 2023.
Participating Artists
Cheng Yanchun
Cook Haffner Architecture Platform | Sir Peter Cook
FCJZ | Yung Ho Chang
Drawing Architecture Studio
Junya Ishigami
Toyo Ito
Liang Chen
MAD Architects | Ma Yansong + Dang Qun + Yosuke Hayano
Eric Owen Moss Architects
OPEN Architecture | Li Hu + Huang Wenjing
Atelier Alter Architects | Zhang Yingfan + Bu Xiaojun
Sun Haiting
Wang Mingxian
Wang Zigeng
WAY Studio
Zaha Hadid Architects
People’s Architecture Office | He Zhe, James Shen, Zang Feng
Zhu Sha
Richard Buckminster Fuller
Arata Isozaki
Kisho Kurokawa
Oscar Niemeyer
Frei Otto
Lebbeus Woods
Joshua V. Hassel
Huang Jianxin
Jin Shan
Wang Jiayi + Roger Pigaut
Wang Minsheng
Architectural History Advisor
Wang Mingxian
Exhibition Information
Blueprint Beijing
The first Beijing Biennial 2022 Architecture Section
Curator: Ma Yansong
Location: M WOODS Hutong, Beijing, China
Public Date: 11am-7pm, January 14 – March 12, 2023
Curatorial: Fiona QI Ziying, WANG Yiqi, PENG Xie
Design: ZHENG Chengwen, YANG Xuebing, Edgar Navarrete S., Rozita KASHIRTSEVA, ZHANG Tong, YE Lanshan
Research and Film: LIU Danyang, LIU Guannan, Tammy XIE
and thanks to LI Shu, Vicky NING, MIAO Fangyi’s contribution during the design process.
Construction and Installation Production: Beijing Zijin Qinghua Construction Engineering Co., Ltd
Printing: GREEN VIEW
Model Production: Shenzhen JYD Model Co., Ltd
Lighting: LIU Hongjian, HUO Xin
Curatorial Consultant and Research Support: Anouchka van DRIEL
Images©Zhu Yumeng, I-Ting, Jerry Chen