SHARE ザハ・ハディド事務所による、リトアニア・ヴィリニュスの複合ビル。事務所や公共機能を内包した街の中心広場に隣接する建築。街の“新しい集いの場”となるよう、様々なレベルに勤労者や地域住民の為のテラスや広場を配置。省エネに加え建設段階や解体後の環境負荷軽減も考慮

リトアニアのデベロッパー ハンナー社のためにザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツが設計したビジネス・スタジアム・セントラルが、ヴィリニュス市から承認されました。ビリニュス市の都市計画の中に組み込まれ、敷地に隣接する人気の高い公共広場と一体化したビジネス・スタジアム・セントラルは、街の新しい集いの場となることでしょう。
近隣の既存の市民建築のダイナミックな幾何学模様を再解釈したビジネス・スタジアム・セントラルのデザインには、11,750㎡のランドスケープテラス、ルーフガーデン、プラザが組み込まれ、マーサ・シュワルツのデザインによる公共広場に直接開かれています。カフェや レストラン、ショップが立ち並ぶアトリウムの中庭は、地域住民やオフィスワーカー、観光客に利用されます。エレベーターで最上階に上がると、2つのパブリックプール、サウナ、スチームルーム、サンデッキがあり、ヴィリニュスの歴史的な旧市街を一望することができます。

Business Stadium Central planning approved
The City of Vilnius has granted approval of Business Stadium Central designed by Zaha Hadid Architects for the Lithuanian developer Hanner. Integrated within the Vilnius City Plan and the popular public square adjacent to the site, Business Stadium Central will be a new gathering place for the city.
Consisting of two low-rise towers of 8 and 9 storeys connected at street level by a courtyard atrium and two floors of public amenities, the centre’s 24,000 sq. m design also connects its two towers via a skybridge at level five. The curvature of the centre’s facades and its cantilevered balconies face towards the historic Gediminas Castle Tower in the heart of the city.
Reinterpreting the dynamic geometries of the neighbourhood’s existing civic architecture, Business Stadium Central’s design incorporates 11,750 sq. m of landscaped terraces, roof gardens and plazas that open directly onto the public square designed by Martha Schwartz. Lined with cafes, restaurants and shops, its atrium courtyard serves local residents, office workers and visitors. Elevators lead to top floors where the two public swimming pools, saunas, steam rooms and sun decks have panoramic views over Vilnius’ historic Old Town.
Flexible office spaces located within the central floors of each of the towers are designed with maximum adaptability to extend the life-cycle of the development. Differing in size and layout to suit a variety of companies from new start-ups to established international corporations, these workplaces connect with landscaped roof gardens and terraces offering views of the surrounding city. The centre’s glazed facades with precisely engineered external louvres transform into the warmer timber-based material palette of Business Stadium Central’s interiors.
Located within Vilnius’ humid continental climate, annual solar analysis has defined the composition of the façade’s louvres and balconies to reduce direct exposure from the summer sun while optimizing solar heat gain in colder periods. These external shading devices are aligned with the sun’s lower altitude between October and April of approximately 38 degrees and are perpendicular to the highest position of the sun in Vilnius’ summer sky of 151 degrees.
Sustainable building systems will reduce the development’s embodied carbon in construction and its energy use in operation. Digital optimization design processes have minimised the amount of materials required for the structure and are integrated with procurement systems that increase the project’s recycled content. The timber for the interiors will be from certified local sources and included within the project’s overall supply chains that have been established to reduce delivery distances. All specified materials are evaluated to enable disassembly and reuse at the end of the building’s operational life.
Using natural hybrid ventilation for most of the year, high-efficiency heat exchange and recovery systems will reduce energy consumption while double-insulated low-E glazing provides excellent levels of natural throughout all public spaces and workplaces.
With construction planned to start in the second quarter of this year, Business Stadium Central creates a variety of new public spaces and amenities for the city within a design that integrates flexible workplaces encouraging interaction and collaboration together with extensive health and wellness facilities for use by everyone in Vilnius.
Client: Hanner
Architect: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA)
Design: Patrik Schumacher
ZHA Project Directors: Gianluca Racana, Ludovico Lombardi
ZHA Project Associate: Michele Salvi
ZHA Project Team: Alessandra Laiso, Giovanni Basile, Ivo Ambrosi, Szu-An Yao
ZHA Competition Project Directors: Gianluca Racana, Ludovico Lombardi
ZHA Competition Associate: Davide del Giudice
ZHA Competition Project Leads: Alexandra Fisher, Jose Eduardo Navarrete Deza
ZHA Competition Team: Maria Lagging, Lara Zakhem
Local Architect: Unitectus
Structural Engineers: Ribinis būvis
Façade Engineering: Staticus
MEP: Eva Danovska
Fire Engineer: GSCentras