SHARE 御手洗龍建築設計事務所による、埼玉・所沢市の複合ビル「Grove」。“無機質な高層化”が進む街中の細長い敷地。環境と動的な関係を紡ぐ“新たな積層建築”を求め、ひとつの規則に縛られない“筋書のない建築”を志向。雑木林の様な構造体を頼りに“アドホック”な設計を積み重ねる


設計・監理:御手洗龍建築設計事務所 担当/御手洗龍、御手洗僚子、金子摩耶、藤田拓
構造:平岩構造計画 担当/平岩良之、藤本貴之
電機設備:EOSplus 担当/高橋翔、三橋琴、肥田あゆみ
機械設備:Gn設備計画 担当/五木田正和
植栽:温室 担当/塚田有一
サイン:日本デザインセンター 色部デザイン研究所 担当/色部義昭、藤谷沙弥、森田瑞穂
照明:岡安泉照明設計事務所 担当/岡安泉
コーディネート:吉村 担当/吉村久朋
建築・外構:日南鉄構 担当/新堀淳、溝田哲志、天野岬(建築部門)小暮勇一、相馬順一、名雪貴晴吾(鉄骨部門)
電気:山大電気 担当/保坂雄一
空調:関東空設 担当/下川勝穂
衛生:マチヤ設備工業 担当/西野顕
植栽:小島植物苑 担当/佐藤光太
サイン:日本サイン 担当/上尾暖
種別 | 使用箇所 | 商品名(メーカー名) |
外装・屋根 | 屋根 | モルタル金ゴテ仕上げ |
外装・壁 | 外壁 | 押出成形セメント板:アスロック(ノザワ) |
外装・建具 | 開口部 | |
内装・床 | 1F事務所A 床 | 長尺塩ビシート:フロアリューム |
内装・床 | 2F事務所C 床 | |
内装・床 | 3F賃貸住戸 床 | モルタル金ゴテ仕上げ 防塵塗装 |
内装・床 | 4F賃貸住戸 床 | インテリアラーチ t=12mm 蜜蝋ワックス |
内装・床 | 5-6Fオーナー住戸 床 | |
内装・床 | 5-6Fオーナー住戸、7F住戸 床 | |
内装・床 | 5-6Fオーナー住戸浴室 床 | |
内装・床 | 7F住戸 床 | |
内装・壁 | 1F事務所A、2F事務所C 壁 | PB12.5のうえEP塗装 22-80A |
内装・壁 | 3F賃貸住戸、4F賃貸住戸 壁 | PB12.5のうえEP塗装 N-93、25-75A |
内装・壁 | 4F賃貸住戸 壁 | インテリアラーチ t=12mm 無塗装 |
内装・壁 | 4F賃貸住戸 壁 | ポリカ t=4mm クリア |
内装・壁 | 5-6Fオーナー住戸 壁 | PB t=12.5mmのうえEP塗装 19-80A、22-70A、22-75A、22-80A |
内装・壁 | 5-6Fオーナー住戸、7F住戸 壁 | ラワン合板 t=4mm 自然オイルクリア塗装 |
内装・壁 | 5-6Fオーナー住戸 壁 | モルタル薄塗り 撥水剤塗布 |
内装・壁 | 5-6Fオーナー住戸浴室 壁 | |
内装・壁 | 7F住戸 壁 | PB t=12.5mmのうえEP塗装 19-80A |
内装・天井 | 1F事務所A、2F事務所C 天井 | PB12.5のうえEP塗装 22-80A |
内装・天井 | 3F賃貸住戸 天井 | コンクリート現し |
内装・天井 | 4F賃貸住戸 天井 | PB12.5のうえEP塗装 25-75A |
内装・天井 | 5-6Fオーナー住戸浴室 天井 | ケイカル板 t=9mmのうえEP塗装 22-80A(サンワカンパニー) |
内装・天井 | 7F住戸 天井 | ラワン合板 t=4mm 自然オイルクリア塗装 |
外構・床 | 外構 | モルタル金ゴテ仕上げ |
Towards an architecture without a script
A strip of land with a frontage of 9.1m and a depth of 38.4m remained in a city that is becoming increasingly inorganic and high-rise destroying the former town layout of merchant houses lined up along the road. Taking into account the potential of this unique land shape, we will attempt a new form of stacked architecture that continues to build a dynamic relationship with the neighborhood and natural environment while opening wide to the outside.
This building was deliberately raised to 7 floors, which could have been accommodated at 5 floors if the requests were accumulated, and nearly half of the volume is semi-outdoor space, and in order to encourage vertical living, the building is based on a maisonette style. The 1st and 2nd floors are a store and office, the 3rd and 4th floors are rental housing for single people, the 5th and 6th floors are a large owner’s residence with an annex, and the 7th floor is the owner’s parents’ residence with a garden. It is a building that looks like a city itself, with a combination of different uses and scales.
Here, we thought that we could create a lively state by allowing each to “exist in its own way” for these different uses, scales, situations, and environments.
Each space, element, and even the smallest detail exist as a natural body while respecting each other. It is not an abstracted architecture created by a single rule, and even less an architecture created from a strong whole. The architecture that stands here is supported by an order and strength that is full of opportunities, and spaces and objects are created while responding to the situation and environment of the spot. I thought that such “architecture without a script” could gain freedom and lead to the affluence of a new era.
First, we adopted a rigid frame structure with columns and beams that is not bound by earthquake-resistant elements such as walls and braces, so that each space that rises can freely establish its relationship with the outside world. By arranging pillars in a staggered manner on the long and narrow land, we create an open system that creates a connection with the surrounding area. Furthermore, square and round pillars of different lengths and diameters are raised at the same time, and huge beams are hung from them. The pillars lined up in two rows in the center are 600 square and 600 φ, and the pillars lined up on the outside are 300 square and 355 φ. The burden on the thick pillars in the center becomes lighter on higher floors, and the number of pillars gradually decreases. While relying on this uneven grove-like structural frame, the forms are decided according to the rationality of the situation of the distance to surrounding buildings, density, how to direct flow, how light enters, how wind passes through, how rain is received and let it flow into greenery, and the functional dimensions. In addition, by adopting a structure in which plates hang over beams and volumes rest on top of them, it is created to look like several light artificial grounds are hung in grove. By liberating the walls from the structure, not only can openings be created freely, but terraces can be built around the volume, creating spaces that integrate interior and exterior.
On the first floor, which descends gently to match the neighboring land, the volumes are arranged so that the shop gradually emerges, allowing people to naturally be led deeper into the space. From between the volumes, the presence of people living in neighboring houses and apartments flows comfortably along with the light and wind. The pillars that extend three stories high create a bright and open space, and as people weave their way between the pillars, they feel as if they are strolling through a grove of trees. Then, if people go around the gentle stairs leading to the back and go up to the third floor, they will reach the height above the roof of the building next door. It’s a bright and far-reaching corridor of the town. From there, people return to their home, finding a place that weaves together the pillars and beams inside and outside.
In this way, a new architecture will be built with a rich external space. We hope that this architecture without a script created through the ad-hoc approach will create a diverse and discovery space within the space that integrates the interior and exterior, and will stimulate the activeness of the people who live here.
Ryu Mitarai