SHARE トラフと園田慎二による、神奈川・箱根町の「彫刻の森美術館 森の足湯」。“アートと自然が共存する屋外空間”の足湯の改修計画。環境にふさわしい存在を目指し、“美しい山の風景”を望みながら浸かれる空間を考案。15種の“多様な表情の石種”を組合わせた造形で彫刻群との調和も意図

トラフ建築設計事務所と園田慎二建築設計事務所が設計した、神奈川・箱根町の「彫刻の森美術館 森の足湯」です。

種別 | 使用箇所 | 商品名(メーカー名) |
外構・床 | 足湯・床 | 天然石 ニューインペリアルレッド、セルペジャンテベージュ、ブラウンファンタジー、オリーブグリーン、ホワイトサンドストーン、ブラックマリナーチェ、ロッソガズビーラ、ルナパール、暁サラサ、レッドサンドストーン、グリーンウェーブ、ジャッロサンタセシリア、ビアンコスペリオーレ、ジュライエロー(関ケ原石材) |
外構・床 | 足湯・床[水盤・踏み台] | 天然石 ジンバブエ(関ケ原石材) |
外構・床 | 足湯・床[座面] | ヒバ集成材 シリコン系強撥水型塗料(カリモク) |
外構・その他 | 足湯・パラソル | Inumbra[インアンブラ] Large(extremis[エクストレミス]) |
外構・床 | 前面広場・床舗装 | コンクリート洗い出し、シリカ系塗膜剤 アイピーシリカ(インターナショナルペイント) |
On the occasion of the 55th anniversary of The Hakone Open-Air Museum, Japan’s first open-air art museum, we renovated its popular footbath area, which utilizes the spring water that springs from the grounds. A new footbath facility, which would be appropriate for an outdoor space where art and nature coexist, while also providing a way to block out the sun, alleviating congestion, and functioning as a wheelchair-accessible and rest area, was sought.
We proposed the idea to flip the seats, which previously faced the lawn, 180 degrees toward the mountain side, so that visitors could soak in the footbath while admiring the beautiful Hakone mountain scenery, which is one of the features of the HAKONE OPEN-AIR MUSEUM. The surface of the footbath reflects the surrounding trees, creating a special resort hotel-like experience.
The footbath is formed by a combination of 15 different types of stones with diverse expressions which have the sense of volume and presence like quarried gemstones, and harmonizes with the sculptural works in the garden. Visitors can enjoy the pleasure of discovering their favorite stone and its place, such as the beautifully striped marble “Green Wave” and the naturally formed terrazzo-like granite “Black Marinace”. Handbaths have also been installed alongside the footbaths to make it easier for users to enjoy themselves.
In contrast to the hardness of the stone footbath, the shade of the large tree and parasols provide a place for visitors to stay even on hot sunny days, and the rounded seating surface made of laminated Hiba cypress wood provides a beautiful contrast to the stone. In addition, the surrounding site has been developed to make the ground flat, improving accessibility to the adjacent cafe and the Log Plaza “KI TO KI”, which we worked on in 2020.
The aim was to create a place where visitors can enjoy a relaxing footbath in the lush, serene environment of the footbath facility, while offering a great combination of art and scenic beauty of Hakone forest that spreads out beyond the water basin.
The Hakone Open-Air Museum: Hot Spring Footbath
Principle use: Foot Bath
Design partner: Shingi Sonoda & Associates
Production: Maruyou, SEKISTONE, karimoku
Sign design: TAKAIYAMA
plants: GA Yamazaki
Building site: Hakone Kanagawa
Site area: 674m2
Design period: 2023.08-2024.07
Construction period: 2024.03-2024.07
Photo: Daici Ano