SHARE 鈴木雅也建築設計事務所による、千葉・松戸市の「仲井町の家」。景観と採光や通風に恵まれた土地での計画。“心地よい原初的な”住まいを目指し、間口や棟間隔の調整などで母屋・中庭・離れが一体となる建築を考案。状況に応じて各々が居場所を見つけられる“寛容な空間”も意図


設計:鈴木雅也建築設計事務所 担当/鈴木雅也
構造設計:KMC 担当/蒲池健
造園設計:橋内庭園設計 担当/橋内智也
施工:有限会社タケワキ住宅建設 担当/竹脇拓也
規模:母屋 地上2階建、離れ 平屋建て
建築面積:母屋 53.00㎡、離れ 25.15㎡
延床面積:母屋 100.48㎡、離れ 25.15㎡
種別 | 使用箇所 | 商品名(メーカー名) |
内装・床 | 中の間、南の間、階段室 床 | アピトン はだしの床 14t×110×3,000(塚田木材) |
内装・床 | 台所、便所 床 | |
内装・床 | 寝室、洗面脱衣、家事室 床 | |
内装・壁 | 中の間、南の間 壁 | |
内装・壁 | 北の間 壁 | 杉 [上小節] 12t×100無塗装、構造材現し |
内装・壁 | 階段室 壁 | AEP塗装 [N-90] |
内装・壁 | 便所 壁 | モザイクタイル:インテリアモザイク窯変ボーダー(LIXIL) |
内装・壁 | 洗面脱衣、台所 壁 | |
内装・壁 | 寝室 壁 | |
内装・壁 | 浴室 壁 | ヒノキ [無節] |
内装・天井 | 中の間、南の間 天井 | |
内装・天井 | 北の間 天井 | 杉 [上小節] 12t×100無塗装、構造材現し |
内装・天井 | 階段室 天井 | AEP塗装 [N-90] |
内装・天井 | 台所 天井 | |
内装・天井 | 寝室 天井 | 化粧シナベニヤ5.5t 目透し貼 無塗装 |
内装・天井 | 浴室 天井 | ヒノキ [無節] |
内装・建具 | 建具 | 遮光 ロール簾(ティミー) |
内装・浴室 | ハーフユニットバス | |
内装・家具 | 置き家具 | ダイニングチェア(hao&mei) |
内装・金物 | 金物 | |
内装・設備 | 床下エアコン | |
内装・設備 | 薪ストーブ | (山林舎) |
The house in Nakaimachi is a house that aims to create a comfortable primordial living space for human beings by integrating the indoor living environment and the outside natural environment, and by enjoying perceptive elements such as wind, light, sound, and smell.
The site is located on a hill facing a park and is blessed with a borrowed view, good lighting, and ventilation. After considering how to make the most of the attractiveness of this site and further improve the environment, a layout plan was adopted that consists of a two-story, wooden main building with a courtyard, and a one-story, wooden detached building.
The frontage dimensions of each building are the same, and each building is compactly separated from the others, resulting in a curious spatial composition in which the first floor seems to continue continuously from the separation to the main house. The house in Nakaimachi is an integrated architecture including the main house, the courtyard, and the detached house.
The detached house is located on the street side and the main house is located on the far side of the property, which reduces the feeling of oppression to the town while increasing the privacy and security of the main house.On the first floor, there are three spaces: the “north space,” the “outside space,” the “inside space,” and the “south space. The “North Space,” “Outside Space,” “Inside Space,” and “South Space” are located on the first floor. Depending on the day’s climate and the family’s situation, each person can choose an appropriate place to relax, eat, or work, creating a tolerant space that allows them to be close to the natural environment.
The highly public “North Space” on the street side is currently used as a study. The rail doors in the middle space can be fully opened to create a semi-outdoor space that is integrated with the outside room. When the windows of the “south space” are fully opened, the wind that blows through this area can pass through, and the sounds of birds and insects, and the smells of trees and flowers can be enjoyed indoors as if they were outside. In addition, the second floor of the main house is a privacy space with bedrooms and a water closet.
In recent years, houses have become less and less connected to the outside environment due to the trend toward high airtightness, high insulation, crime prevention measures, and efficient maintenance. While there are many benefits from this trend, the sensibility that can be enjoyed through human perception may also be weakening. We hope that the house in Nakaimachi will provide an opportunity to reconsider the problems faced by modern houses.