SHARE BIGのビャルケ・インゲルスによる、巨大なスクリーンに映し出されたほぼ原寸大の映像と連動する、トヨタの「Woven city」のプレゼン動画
BIGのビャルケ・インゲルスによる、巨大なスクリーンに映し出されたほぼ原寸大の映像と連動する、トヨタの「Woven city」のプレゼンテーション動画です。Squint/Operaというチームが手掛けたとの事。Woven Cityについてはこちらの記事で紹介しています。
The film was played during Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda’s announcement and used as part of a carefully choreographed presentation by Bjarke Ingels. At the heart of the design concept is how we experience the city, from how we interact with each other in our homes to new mobilities and sustainability. To bring this to life we needed to create a more immersive way for viewers to experience an architectural vision, so the film was made to be an eye-level tour with Bjarke Ingels transplanted into the digital proposal as a physical tour guide. As Bjarke explains his design philosophy the woven city is revealed around him.