Design staff recruitment建築は今大きな転換期を迎えています。建築はこれまでのように形や素材にだけ関わるものではなく、その周りにダイナミックに展開する様々な人々の活動や移り変わる様相に関わる、生命的なものになりつつあります。情報技術の発達に伴い、これまで以上に多数の人々が多様な仕方で建築をつくり、育てる出来事に関わるようになってきました。
このような目標を共有し、それぞれの特技を活かしながら、チャレンジ精神を持って共に仕事に取り組む仲間を、私たちは求めています。Architecture is in a period of great transition. Architecture is no longer just about form or materials, but is becoming a living thing, connected to the dynamic activities of a variety of people and the changing circumstances around it. With the development of IT, people are more involved than ever in the development of architecture.
Architects are asked how to connect these new realities into a strong architecture. We are tackling this question head on, and we are getting the hang of it.
But we are not there yet. Our goal is to realize this in every single project we work on in the future. We look for colleagues who share this goal. We respect their specialities and work together in a challenging way.