SHARE 補色をテーマにした展覧会”COMPLEMENTARY COLORS – Missing Link of Design -“のプレビュー
ミラノで”補色”をテーマにしたデザイン展”COMPLEMENTARY COLORS – Missing Link of Design –“が行われる。ディレクターの岡田栄造が投げかけたテーマ”補色”に対し、デザイナーの柳原照弘、坪井浩尚、倉本仁、参、沖恵美子がプロダクトを発表する。
Teruhiro Yanagihara
low table / 2009
The thin steel bars that support the structure appear to have been randomly placed, but are positioned in a specific way to keep the table balanced and stable: Always two diametrical bars are orientated at an angle of 90 degrees to each other and thus compensate the forces in the structure: This principal is reflected in the applied color scheme: The bars facing each other are painted in complementary colours. Corresponding to the forces in the structure, these colours neutralise themselves: They turn to grey when mixed together, leaving the white boards hover in space.
Rock / vase
A combination vase that is influenced from Kenzan pinholder – a traditional item from Japanese flower arranging.
Plain / lighting
We have expressed a visual phenomenon which produces a three-dimensional impression of given objects when combined with strong colors.
This results in complementary colors and light emission causing it to resemble a state when the moon loses the three-dimensional impression of the sphere, and to shine similarly to a planar like mirror.
参による”his life is beautiful”
参による”sky scratcher”
New Wind From Japan「COMPLEMENTARY COLORS ~Missing Link of Design~」
2009年4月22日(水)~27日(月) 09:00~20:00
Party : 4月24日(金) 19:00~22:00
L’Archivolto Libreria Galleria Via Marsala2 ,20121 Milano
Director: 岡田栄造
Sponsored by Daishinsha Inc. / CLASKA / BOO&COO.
Promoter L’Archivolto