アルド・ロッシの、イタリア国立21世紀美術館で行われる回顧展「Aldo Rossi. The Architect and the Cities」のプレビュー動画です。会期は2020年12月17日~2021年8月29日まで。展覧会の公式ページはこちら。1990年にプリツカー賞を受賞した建築家で、日本にもいくつかの作品が存在しています。
What role can architecture play in mediating between the past and the future? This is a question that the architect Tsuyoshi Tane (b. Tokyo, 1979) has consistently engaged with throughout his international body of work. Each project by the Paris-based practice Atelier Tsuyoshi Tane Architects begins with an intensive research phase meant to excavate the memories embedded in a place and integrate these into the creative process: a method the architect terms the «Archaeology of the Future».
In the context of the exhibition «Tsuyoshi Tane: Archaeology of the Future», Tsuyoshi Tane will introduce his work and his approach in the form of a public lecture.
OMA, Hassell, WA Museum Boola Bardip, and the Netherlands embassy in Canberra will join a panel discussion with a focus on the architecture of the Museum.
David Gianotten, Managing Partner – Architect, OMA
Paul Jones, Regional Director, OMA
Mark Loughnan, Principal, Hassell
Peter Dean, Design Director and Principal, Hassell
Irene Stainton, Chair of Aboriginal Advisory Committee, Western Australian Museum
Alec Coles, Chief Executive Officer, Western Australian Museum
Marion Derckx, Ambassador, Netherlands Embassy in Canberra
Stephen Todd, Design Editor, Australian Financial Review
David Gianotten and Mark Loughnan will give a presentation about the Museum’s architecture. Panelists will discuss the significance of the project to Western Australia and a global audience, and its impact on the design of future museums.
ギャラリー・間での次回の建築展「中川エリカ展 JOY in Architecture」の概要が公開されています。会期は2021年1月21日~3月21日。新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止の為、事前予約制ので開催になるとの事です(12月下旬より予約できるようになるそう)。こちらのページに、展覧会と連動企画の中川エリカを紹介するテキストも掲載されています。
TOTOギャラリー・間では、中川エリカの個展「JOY in Architecture」を開催いたします。