SHARE OMAの研究機関AMOがデザインを手掛けた、パリの、ファッションブランドOff-Whiteの旗艦店。パリの建築要素を再解釈し店内に都市を持ち込むことを意図

OMAの研究機関AMOがデザインを手掛けた、パリの、ファッションブランドOff-Whiteの旗艦店「OFF-WHITE FLAGSHIP STORE PARIS」。パリのの建築要素を再解釈し店内に都市を持ち込むことを意図され設計されました。Off-Whiteは、ルイ・ヴィトンのメンズラインのディレクター ヴァージル・アブローが手掛けるブランドです。
パリ、2021年7月6日 – 「Off-White」のパリにおける新しい旗艦店がオープンし、ハイエンドとカジュアルが融合したデザインが導入されました。ヴァンドーム広場から2ブロック離れた、19世紀に建てられた角地にある建物の3フロアに展開するOff-White Parisは、訪れた人に、対照的な雰囲気のレパートリーを徐々に見せていきます。
「AMOとの仕事は、相乗効果のあるプロセスです。私たちのアイデアの出し方は似ていて、何事にも制限はありません。Off-White Parisでの成果は、私の想像を超えたものになりました。」
この店舗は、2018年にファッションデザイナーの初の個展「Figures of Speech」のデザインで始まった、AMOとヴァージル・アブローのコラボレーションを継続しています。Off-White Parisは、マイアミの旗艦店に続く、ブランドのためにデザインされた2番目の店舗です。
ヴァンドーム広場から2ブロックのところにあるOff-White Parisは、カステリオーネ通りとモンタボー通りの交差点にある19世紀に建てられたビルの一角を占めています。パリのエレガンスとインダストリアルな雰囲気が融合した空間は、パリの高級小売店のあり方を再考するものです。中庭、ギャラリー、マーケットが3つのフロアに分かれており、訪れた人は徐々にオフホワイトの多様なアイデンティティを知ることになります。

AMO-Designed Off-White flagship store opens in Paris
Paris, July 6, 2021 – Off-White’s new flagship store in Paris has opened, introducing a design in which the high-end and the casual meet. Two blocks away from Place Vendôme, Off-White Paris extends over three floors in a 19th century corner building, gradually revealing to the visitor a repertoire of contrasting ambiences.
The design, led by Ellen van Loon, together with Samir Bantal and Giulio Margheri, explores new ways in which architecture facilitates the interaction between fashion collections and the public. By reinterpreting iconic architectural elements such as the Parisian courtyard and flea market, the city becomes present inside the store.
Ellen van Loon and Samir Bantal: “Where does streetwear end and high fashion begin? Over twenty years ago, Sarah Andelman’s Colette was the predecessor of modern experiential retail, one of the first concept stores where streetstyle met luxury. Fast forward to 2021, a couple of blocks away from where Colette sat, the new Off-White store in Paris represents the brand’s multifaceted identity as a cultural channel broadcasting style, media and fashion, humbly saluting Colette and drawing from its irreplaceable legacy.”
Virgil Abloh, Founder and Creative Director Off-White: “Working with AMO is a synergistic process. The way we ideate is similar – nothing is off limits – and the outcome at Off-White Paris is greater than I could have ever imagined.”
The store continues the collaboration between AMO and Virgil Abloh, which started in 2018 with the design of the fashion designer’s first solo exhibition Figures of Speech. Off-White Paris is the second store designed for the brand after the Miami flagship.
Two blocks away from Place Vendôme, Off-White Paris occupies a 19th century corner building at the intersection of Rue de Castiglione and Rue du Mont Thabor. The space combines Parisian elegance with industrial rawness, rethinking Parisian high-end retail. A courtyard, a gallery and a market extend over three floors, gradually revealing to the visitor Off-White’s diverse identity.
Under the arches of Rue de Castiglione is the store’s main entrance – a semi-circular vestibule of corrugated glass – which leads to the ground floor’s centerpiece: a reinterpretation of the typical Parisian courtyard, containing the women’s collection. Framed by arches inspired by the street’s portico, the courtyard’s walls and floors are cladded in white travertine. Sober and refined, the courtyard induces a calm and slow shopping experience but can also accommodate dynamic events such as fashion shows. The entrance on Rue du Mont Thabor leads to what feels like a completely different store. Light blue walls and a black terrazzo floor, filled with AMO-designed freestanding furniture, showcase Off-White’s brand partnerships.
The store’s multifaceted identity is further reinforced by the design of the upper floors. In the intimate atmosphere of the mezzanine, with its low ceiling and small windows, a space inspired by the aesthetics of the gift shop hosts the kids’ and homeware collections, as well as an exhibition wall. On the second floor, for the men’s collection, the high ceiling and large windows facing the city create a luminous, clear space, which can be easily reconfigured for concerts, art shows and parties. A foldable box finished with Sottsass-red veneer conceals the bar and the back of house. The floor accommodates freestanding display elements designed by AMO – metallic clothing racks, wooden tables and white travertine shelving systems – echoing the Parisian flea market. Contrasting combinations of textures and colors emphasize the store’s repertoire of ambiences, creating an abstract reinterpretation of Paris.
Location: 8 Rue de Castiglione, Paris
Client: Off-White
Program: Retail
Ellen van Loon, Samir Bantal, Giulio Margheri
Team: Lina Jaidi, Camille Filbien, Natalie Konopelski, Valerio di Festa, Alexandru Tintea, Claudio Araya, Yushang Zhang, Giada Zuan
De Studio (chandeliers)
Barbarito Bancel Architectes (local architect)