SHARE デイヴィッド・チッパーフィールドが修復を手掛けた、ドイツ・ベルリンのミース設計の「新国立美術館」が6年の修復を終えて2021年8月22日に再オープン。オープニング展として企画されたカルダー展の会場写真を紹介

2021年6月に開催された「扉開放の日」には、パンデミックによる制限にもかかわらず、3,000人を超える来場者が、まだ誰もいない修復された家を鑑賞しました。そしていよいよ2021年8月22日、の3つの展覧会で、アートが帰ってきます。「The Nationalgalerie Col-lection」、「Alexander Calder. Minimal / Maximal」、「Rosa Barba. In a Perpetual Now.」。同時に、ヘンリー・ムーア、ジョージ・リッキー、エドゥアルド・チリダ、ロバート・インディアナの主要作品を含む、コレクションの彫刻作品の多くが屋外に再設置されました。また、デビッド・ブラックの噴水の彫刻やマリーナ・ヌニェス・デル・プラドの人物像など、再発見され修復された作品も展示されています。

Reopening of the Neue Nationalgalerie starting August 22, 2021
Following a six-years-long restoration, the Mies van der Rohe–designed Neue Nationalgalerie, an internationally acclaimed archi-tectural icon, is celebrating its reopening with three exhibitions closely related to the building. One show conceived especially for the legendary glass hall presents works by a Mies contemporary, the sculptor Alexander Calder. Also relating to the building’s visionary architecture is the one-woman show by the film and media artist Ro-sa Barba. On the spacious collection floor the Nationalgalerie is presenting a number of major works from the collection under the title “The Art of Society 1900–1945.” The museum will reopen to visi-tors on August 22, 2021. Until August 27 these exhibitions may be visited during the special opening hours 10 to 8, and in addition the house will be open on Monday, August 23, 2021.
The Neue Nationalgalerie
The Neue Nationalgalerie, built by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe as his last independent work between 1965 and 1968, is considered the visionary 20th-century architect’s legacy. With its multi-layered collection of art of the 20th century the Neue Nationalgalerie offers a unique opportunity to study the liberties and limitations of Western Modernism. Once reopened, the house hopes to become an even more ideal place to contemplate the art of the 20th century, supplementing the Nationalgalerie’s other major houses, the Alte Nationalgalerie on Museumsinsel and the Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin, devoted to the art of the 19th century and contemporary art, respectively.
In its endeavor and program the Neue Nationalgalerie plans to continue its successes from former years: between its opening in September 1968 and its closing for restoration in January 2015 the Neue Nationalgalerie mounted some 130 important exhibitions, among them retrospectives of Piet Mondrian (1986), Yves Klein (1976), Francis Bacon (1986), Andy Warhol (2001/2002), and Gerhard Richter (1986 and 2012); artistic inter-ventions by Rebecca Horn (1994), Jenny Holzer (2001), and Otto Piene (2014), and the trio of shows from the collection “Modern Times. 1900–1945” (2010/2011), “The Divided Heaven. 1945–1968” (2011–2013), and “Expansion of the Combat Zone. 1968–2000” (2013/2014). During the restoration thematic exhibitions were presented in the temporary “Neue Galerie” at the Hamburger Bahnhof, among them shows on Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (2016), Rudolf Belling (2017), and Emil Nolde (2019). Planned for the coming years are projects with the politically-minded feminist ar-tists Barbara Kruger and Monica Bonvicini and a major exhibition on the impact of Surrealism on Germany and France under the title “Europe After the Rain.” The next collection show is planned for 2023, one dealing with the years between 1945 and 1970 and with particular focus on contrasts and commonalities between “East and West.” Also, the open glass hall is being made available between exhibitions for performative arts. A dance performance by Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker in the spring of 2022 is planned to initiate this new series of programs.
The Art Returns
In June, despite pandemic-imposed restrictions, more than 3,000 visitors were able to admire the still empty restored house on the “Days of the Open Door.” Now, on August 22, 2021, the art will finally return with the three exhibitions “The Art of Society 1900–1945. The Nationalgalerie Col-lection,” “Alexander Calder. Minimal / Maximal,” and “Rosa Barba. In a Perpetual Now.” At the same time a number of the collection’s sculptures have been reinstalled outside, including major works by Henry Moore, George Rickey, Eduardo Chillida, and Robert Indiana. Rediscovered and restored works like the fountain sculpture by David Black and a figure by Marina Nuñez del Prado are also on view. Jorge Pardo offers a contem-porary intervention with his artistic redesign of the café with Anni Albers motifs employing Mexican-Spanish imagery. Additional contemporary po-sitions will also be displayed in a small exhibition on the history of the building in the basement, including works by Isa Genzken, Veronika Kellndorfer, and Michael Wesely.