SHARE 建築家のリナ・ゴットメへのインタビュー動画「自然は建築の一部となり得る」
建築家のリナ・ゴットメへのインタビュー動画「自然は建築の一部となり得る(Nature can be a part of architecture.)」です。ルイジアナ美術館が制作したものです。ゴットメはパリを拠点とする建築家で、田根剛、ダン・ドレルとDGT Architectsを結成し「エストニア博物館」を完成させたことでも知られています。
Lina Ghotmeh (b. 1980) initially wanted to be an archaeologist but carried out her architectural studies at the American University of Beirut. She looked at the notions of memory, space, and landscape through her own methodology entitled Archeology of the future. After graduating and being awarded both the Azar and Areen prizes, Lina pursued her education at the École Spéciale d’Architecture in Paris, where she took on a teaching role as an Associate Professor between 2008 and 2015. In 2005, while working in London and collaborating with Ateliers Jean Nouvel and Foster & Partners, she won the international competition for the design of the Estonian National Museum. Following this victory, she co-founded her first studio, DGT Architects, in Paris and led the realisation of the large-scale project of the National Museum. Acclaimed unanimously by the international press and has won prestigious awards (Grand Prix AFEX 2016 & nominated for the Mies Van der Rohe Award 2017), the museum became the symbol for avant-gardist architecture, combining pertinence and subtlety. Stone Garden was part of La Biennale di Venezia in 2021.