SHARE ピーター・ズントーの展覧会「Dear to Me」が、ブレゲンツ美術館の20周年を記念して開催
photo©Peter Zumthor, Kunsthaus Bregenz
ピーター・ズントーの展覧会「Dear to Me」が、ブレゲンツ美術館の20周年を記念して開催されて、リンク先のPDFに概要や展示計画の模型写真などが掲載されています
ピーター・ズントーの展覧会「Dear to Me」が、ブレゲンツ美術館の20周年を記念して開催されて、リンク先のPDFに概要や展示計画の模型写真などが掲載されています。展示内容は、ズントーがキュレーターのような役割を果たし、写真家のヘレネ・ビレットの展示や、音楽会などのイベントが日替わりで行われるようです。また、その空間や家具は、この展覧会のためにズントーが手掛けているようです。会期は2017年9月から2018年1月。
For the 20th anniversary of Kunsthaus Bregenz, Peter Zumthor is staging the third exhibition in 2017: Dear To Me.
Peter Zumthor is inviting the public to become acquainted with his world: the things which surround him and give him pleasure, that inspire him. The architect will be occupying his own work, that is KUB, as an artist, giving the world of his thoughts and experience form. On the ground floor, a bar area and bleachers provide a space for music and readings, whilst photographs of works by the Zumthor Studio will also be on display. On the first floor, talks can take place on a large wooden platform surrounded by Zumthor’s drawings and watercolors. On the second floor, Zumthor’s literary world unfolds in the form of a library comprising approximately 50,000 volumes. A lush garden will greet visitors on the third floor, and perhaps also a teahouse. Those entering the spaces will be acutely aware of the pervading atmosphere of scholarship, cultures, wealth of experience, and a particular perception of the world.