SHARE メキシコの女性建築家 タチアナ・ビルバオのインタビュー動画「誤解された持続可能性」
メキシコの女性建築家 タチアナ・ビルバオのインタビュー動画「誤解された持続可能性」です。制作はルイジアナ美術館。
“I hate the word ‘sustainability’.” Hear the prizewinning Mexican architect Tatiana Bilbao reflect upon one of the buzzwords of contemporary architecture, which she feels should be a natural part of all human activities.
“We recycle, we save energy automatically because we don’t have resources. In Mexico, whatever I throw away is used seven or eight more times after me.” Coming from a country with few resources, Bilbao is used to not wasting these resources like she feels they do in many wealthy countries: “You don’t do a building that needs air-conditioning in the weather we have, because it’s wasting energy which you don’t have. We don’t have money to pay for it.”