SHARE アトリエ・ジャン・ヌーベルの設計で2018年に完成した、フランス・マルセイユのオフィスビル「Marseillaise Tower」

アトリエ・ジャン・ヌーベルの設計で2018年に完成した、フランス・マルセイユのオフィスビル「Marseillaise Tower」です。
Towers, all the world over, look too alike. Often they appear interchangeable and could be anywhere. Too rarely do they add character to their cities. They are tall but anonymous. Sleek parallelepipeds, they reflect a great deal behind their all-too-shiny curtain walls. Informed by this awareness and these critical considerations, I propose a tower that’s a one-off. Her ambition is clearly to be part of the dense Mediterranean sea air. She flaunts her desire to play with the sun, draw shadows in the sky… Only, flimsy shadows, simple geometries that sow the seeds of complex mathematical games… And yes, always this coupling of simplicity and complexity… I picture this tower. I talk about her. I call her ʺThe Marseillaiseʺ. But don’t worry, she isn’t belligerent… She may be concrete, but the concrete is dis-armoured – light concrete, fiber concrete – light as an unfinished architectural drawing… The kind you can see on a computer screen that use only strokes, lines… This is the work of a fairly happy-go-lucky architect who just can’t decide how to finish the thing!
