Built during a time of economic expansion in the economic boom of the 1980s and closed in 2004, Kiyotomo sushi bar is one of the few remaining intact interiors conceived by Japanese designer Kuramata Shiro. Part of the vanguard of post-1960s Japanese design, Kuramata designed hundreds of furniture objects and interior spaces during his lifetime; this space stands out for its playful accents, subtle craftsmanship, and precise attention to detail.
In this video, curators, conservators, and craftsmen recall the challenges and surprises of acquiring, dismantling, and relocating an entire building from Tokyo to Hong Kong.
リチャード・ロジャースが生前最後に行った講演「Autobiography of an Architect」の動画です。2018年11月にArchitects not Architecture主催で行われたもので、建築ではなく自身について語られる内容です。
Richard Rogers (1933-2021) made one of his last public appearances when he participated in our event in Hamburg in November 2018. Our thoughts are with his family and closest friends for such a huge loss. He has left, but his legacy will live on forever.
ギゴン / ゴヤーが設計した、スイス・キュスナハトの集合住宅「Residential Building in Küsnacht, Switzerland」。1階に商業テナント上4層に住戸という構成で、施主の要望に応える突き出たバルコニーを外観の特徴とする、旧建物のキャラクターを反映したアルミニウム波板ファサードの建築です。