Grafton Architects was established in 1978. Directors Yvonne Farrell & Shelley McNamara are both graduates of UCD, are Fellows of the RIAI, are International Honorary Fellows of the RIBA and are elected members of Aosdána, the eminent Irish Art organisation. Teachers at the School of Architecture at University College Dublin from 1976 to 2002 and appointed adjunct Professors in 2015. They have held the Kenzo Tange chair at GSD Harvard and the Louis Kahn chair at Yale University and have been visiting professors at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland; Accademia d’Archittettura, Mendrisio, Switzerland, where they were appointed as full professors in 2013. They have been external examiners at numerous universities including Cambridge University and The London Metropolitan School of Architecture. As well as public lectures in Dublin and abroad, including the National Gallery of Ireland in Dublin and the Royal Academy in London, they have lectured widely in European and American Schools of Architecture.
代表を務める蘆田暢人は、内藤廣建築設計事務所を経て2012年に独立。建築と土木、都市計画のプロジェクトに長年携わってきた経験を踏まえ、設計事務所のみならずエネルギーをデザインすることをテーマに掲げた事務所ENERGY MEET、デザインリサーチを行う会社 Future research Instituteを共同主宰しています。家具から建築、土木、エネルギー、まちづくりといった取り組むプロジェクトのスケールの幅の広さとバリエーションの多さがわたしたちの事務所の特徴です。