建築写真家イワン・バーンの、ヴィトラ・デザイン・ミュージアムでの展覧会「Iwan Baan: Moments in Architecture」の会場の動画です。また、バーンによるコメントも収録されています。アーキテクチャーフォトでは会場の様子などを特集記事として公開しています。会期は2024年3月3日まで。展覧会の公式ページはこちら。
現在開催中の展覧会「Iwan Baan: Moments in Architecture」をご紹介します。オランダ人写真家イワン・バーンと展覧会キュレーターのメア・ホフマンが、バーン作品の初の大規模回顧展について語ります。この展覧会は、21世紀初頭における世界の建築のパノラマ、都市と社会の文脈のパノラマ、そして建築を利用する人々のパノラマを描き出すことで、写真家の広い視野を反映しています。
A look inside our current exhibition “Iwan Baan: Moments in Architecture”! In the film, Dutch photographer Iwan Baan and exhibition curator Mea Hoffmann give insights into the first major retrospective of Baan’s oeuvre. The exhibition reflects the photographer’s wide scope by drawing up a panorama of global architecture in the early twenty-first century, of its urban and social contexts, and of the people who use it.
Shigeru Ban was born in Tokyo in 1957. After studying architecture in the United States, he established Shigeru Ban Architects in Tokyo in 1985. He currently has offices in Tokyo, Paris, and New York. Known for his innovative architecture using wood, paper, and bamboo, his designs, coupled with his commitment to environmental and ecological design, have received numerous awards and constant recognition from prominent institutions around the world.
In 1995, he founded the NGO VAN (Voluntary Architects Network). Asking himself what architects can do to benefit society, he has been working for nearly 30 years to provide assistance to war refugees and disaster-stricken areas around the world. He will talk about the beginnings, driving force, and wishes of Shigeru Ban, an architect who continues various activities.
Meet one of the icons of our time, Norman Foster, who reflects on the vital role of architects and designers in our world and the challenges it faces.
“Cities are the generators of wealth, of innovation, of prosperity, of all the good things in life.” Foster emphasises the multiple connections and interdependencies between humans and our nature as social animals. “The city is really two elements. It’s the individual buildings. But it’s also the infrastructure – the connections, the public spaces, the bridges, the subways, the portals, the harbours, the airports. The infrastructure is the urban glue that binds the individual buildings together. And the design professions are totally integrated into that mix of buildings and infrastructure. So, in this sense, we hold the key to the future.”
ミケーレ・デ・ルッキと彼が主宰する建築スタジオAMDL CIRCLEによるリサーチプロジェクト「EARTH STATIONS」の全容を初めて紹介する展覧会「EARTH STATIONS by AMDL CIRCLE ミケーレ・デ・ルッキと未来を共有する建築」の関連企画として開催したトークセッションの記録動画です。