SHARE 西沢立衛運転のビンテージアルファロメオで東京を放浪しながら話を聞いている約90分のドキュメンタリー「TOKYO RIDE」が期間限定で無料公開中。コールハース設計の住宅の家政婦に注目した映像作品で知られる映像作家ベカ&ルモワンヌの最新作
西沢立衛が運転するビンテージアルファロメオで東京を放浪しながら話を聞いている約90分のドキュメンタリー動画「TOKYO RIDE」が期間限定で無料公開中です(2020年12月13日までだそう ※どの国の時刻を基準としているかは不明)。英語字幕付き。コールハース設計の住宅の家政婦に注目した映像作品で知られる映像作家ベカ&ルモワンヌの最新作です。
After the multi awarded “Moriyama-San”, “Tokyo Ride” is a new step of Bêka & Lemoine’s immersion within Tokyo’s busy daily life. Revisiting the genre of the road movie in a very diaristic and personal way, the film takes us on board of Ryue Nishizawa’s vintage Alfa Romeo for a day long wandering in the streets of Tokyo.
More than a portrait, in the classical sense, of one of the most talented and celebrated Japanese architect of today, the film renders in its pure spontaneity the experience of this friendly urban drift. Ryue Nishizawa narrates along the way his strong relationship with his home town through some sites he personally affectionates, buildings that have influenced him, and some of his own architecture projects.
The film questions how rooted architecture practice is and how much the built and cultural environment feeds and shapes our imagination.