SHARE ザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツが、ハイパーループ・イタリアと提携し、未来の交通手段をデザイン
ザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツが、ハイパーループ・イタリア(Hyperloop Italia)と提携し、未来の交通手段をデザインします。動画と画像を掲載します。日本では、妹島和世が西武鉄道の特急車両「Laview」を手掛けるなどの事例があります。
ハイパーループ・イタリアの創設者兼CEOであり、Hyperloop Transportation Technologies(HyperloopTT)の共同創設者でもあるビバップ・グリスタ(Bibop Gresta)は次のように述べています。
「今回の合意は、ハイパーループ・イタリアと第4次産業革命の発展に向けた新たな一歩となります。これは、ハイパーループ®技術の開発に携わる世界最高の人材を集めるためにハイパーループ・イタリアが先月開始したHyperloop Partnership Programの成功を裏付けるものです。ザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツは、ハイパーループ・イタリアが卓越した建築デザインを推進する上で、最適なパートナーであると確信しています。ザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツの数十年にわたる市民生活や交通インフラに関するグローバルな経験は、ハイパーループ・イタリアの交通ハブが直感的に操作でき、持続可能で、都市のコンテクストに完全に統合されたものであることを保証するために不可欠です。私たちは、リサイクル率の高い新世代の環境に優しい素材を使って、世界で最もアクセスしやすく、便利で安全な交通システムを構築することを約束します。」
ハイパーループ・イタリアのChief Revenue OfficerであるAndrea Minerdoは以下のように同意します。
ザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツのディレクター、フィリッポ・イノチェンティ(Filippo Innocenti)は次のように述べています。
また、ザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツのプロジェクト・アーキテクトであるジャン・ルカ・バローネ(Gian Luca Barone)は次のように述べます。
Zaha Hadid Architects partners with Hyperloop Italia to design the future of transport
Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) has signed an agreement with Hyperloop Italia to jointly design its next phase of works that marks a turning point in the world of transport in the context of the IV Industrial Revolution.
Roma – Milano – Londra, lì 1 june 2021
Hyperloop® transports passengers at very high speed safely, economically and sustainably. Using passive magnetic levitation technology powered entirely by renewables, Hyperloop® propels passenger and cargo capsules through low-pressure tubes to minimise friction, requiring only a fraction of the energy needed to power traditional modes of public transport.
Combining energy from renewable sources with regenerative braking systems makes Hyperloop’s infrastructure capable of producing more energy than it consumes. The climate-controlled passenger capsules travel in sealed tubes and remain unaffected by external conditions.
ZHA’s partnership with Hyperloop Italia continues the architectural firm’s three decades of experience delivering acclaimed civic and cultural buildings such as the MAXXI Museum in Rome and the London 2012 Olympic Aquatics Centre. ZHA has also built award-winning transportation infrastructure across the globe including the Hungerburg Nordpark mountain railway in Austria, Napoli-Afragola high-speed railway station, Beijing Daxing International Airport, and KAFD interchange station of the new Riyadh metro system, in addition to the landmark Sheikh Zayed Bridge in Abu Dhabi and the Danjiang Bridge currently under construction near Taipei.
Patrik Schumacher, Principal of ZHA, said: “We are looking forward to collaborating with Hyperloop Italia; marrying transformative architecture, engineering and urban planning with the most efficient and sustainable transport network to significantly improve accessibility, connectivity, and well-being in our cities. We share Hyperloop Italia’s multidisciplinary approach which combines innovations in design and operational technologies with advances in ecologically sound materials and construction practices; enabling us to deliver future-resilient projects that are spatially inventive, structurally efficient and environmentally sustainable.”
Bibop Gresta, founder and CEO of Hyperloop Italia as well as co-founder of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HyperloopTT), declared: “This agreement marks another step forward for Hyperloop Italia and the development of the fourth industrial revolution. It confirms the success of the Hyperloop Partnership Program launched last month by Hyperloop Italia to attract the world’s best talent in developing Hyperloop® technologies. We are certain that Zaha Hadid Architects is the right partner to allow Hyperloop Italia to promote design excellence in architecture. Their decades of global experience in civic and transport infrastructure will be essential to ensure that Hyperloop Italia’s transport hubs are intuitive to navigate, sustainable and fully integrated within their urban contexts. We are committed to building the most accessible, convenient and safest transportation system in the world using the new generation of environmentally friendly materials with a high recycled content.”
Andrea Minerdo, Chief Revenue Officer of Hyperloop Italia, agreed: “After months of detailed evaluation, we have established a partnership that will define most Hyperloop Italia projects on the Italian peninsula; connecting our communities with the fastest and most efficient transport technology.”
Filippo Innocenti, Director of ZHA, noted: “Our designs look to the future with great consideration to the environment and all our communities.” Together with Gian Luca Barone, Project Architect of ZHA, Innocenti added: “ZHA has built celebrated architecture around the world, but being Italian, we are both especially proud to partner with Hyperloop Italia to provide the people of Italy with a transportation system for the 21st century.”