SHARE デイヴィッド・チッパーフィールド・アーキテクツの設計で完成していた、チューリッヒ美術館の増築棟の一般公開が開始。それに合わせて高クオリティの建築紹介動画が公開

The new Kunsthaus Zürich will open to the public on 9 October. Following twelve years of planning and construction, the extension for the Kunsthaus Zürich was completed in December 2020. In spring 2021, the Chipperfield building temporarily opened its doors, allowing visitors to experience the new museum before its official opening. On display are the collection of classic modernism, the Bührle collection, temporary exhibitions and art from 1960 onwards.
Designed by David Chipperfield Architects Berlin, the new freestanding museum building extends the existing Kunsthaus Zürich. Consequently, the institution now represents the largest art museum in Switzerland.
The new building is located on the northern side of Heimplatz square, opposite the existing building. The clear geometric volume redefines the square structurally on its fourth side. The urban square is situated to the south of the extension and the new Garden of Art to the north as an open and permeable natural environment. An expansive entrance hall creates a link between these two new urban spaces. A visitor passageway running underneath the square connects the new building with the existing Kunsthaus.
All public functions such as the café / bar, events hall, museum shop and museum education services are arranged around the central entrance hall at ground floor level, while the two upper floors are reserved exclusively for the display of art. The diversely dimensioned exhibition spaces are defined by a calm materiality and an abundance of daylight, placing the immediate experience of art at the centre of the visitor experience.