SHARE 安藤忠雄が、自身が2021年に完成させたパリの美術館「ブルス・ドゥ・コメルス/コレクション・ピノー」を解説している動画
安藤忠雄が、自身が2021年に完成させたパリの美術館「ブルス・ドゥ・コメルス/コレクション・ピノー」を解説している動画です。2022年2月のThe World Around Summit 2022で公開されたものです。日本語で視聴可能です。18世紀に小麦市場として建てられた建物が19世紀後半に商品取引所に改築、それを美術館に転用した建築になります。こちらのページでも写真が多数見られます。
Pritzker Prize-winning Japanese architect Tadao Ando is one of the most renowned designers in the field today. His work, defined by large expanses of unadorned concrete and emotive use of natural elements like sunlight, water, and wind, has become definitive of contemporary Japanese architecture, but his influence extends the world around. His most recent project embeds a new exhibition space for contemporary art into a neoclassical landmark building in the center of Paris. Responding to the existing structure, which was built at the end of the 18th century as the Halle aux blés for use by grain traders and converted in the 19th century into the Bourse de commerce by Henri Blondel, Ando has created a space that connects Paris’s rich architectural past with the present and future.