SHARE AMOによる、パリとロンドンの店舗「JACQUEMUS SHOP-IN-SHOP」。南仏に起源をもつブランドの為に計画。単一素材での限界を試すアイデアから始め、形の後に素材を決めるのでなく“最初に素材を決めて、それが空間の形を導いていく”プロセスで設計。パリ店では“枕”で覆われた空間を構想

AMO / エレン・ヴァン・ルーン+ジュリオ・マルゲリが設計した、パリとロンドンの店舗「JACQUEMUS SHOP-IN-SHOP」です。
プロヴァンスのテキスタイルを想起させる枕や 南仏の風景を思わせる粘土質の素材テラクルーダなど、ブティックはすべて単一の素材で覆われ、各スペースに連続性を持たせています。パリのギャラリー・ラファイエットの店舗では、壁、ドア、フィッティングルーム、ディスプレイのエレメントに白いクッションを張り、ベッドで過ごす1日の安らぎと快適さを表現しています。枕を積み重ねることで、シーティングエリアとディスプレイ面を兼用し、訪れた人が好きなだけ閲覧し、くつろぐことができるようになっています。ロンドンのセルフリッジの店舗では、床や棚、トーテム、台座、テーブル、椅子などがテラクルーダで作られており、展示品やお客様も一緒になって、プロヴァンスの家庭のインテリアという抽象的なイメージに一捻りを加えています。手作業で加工された素材は、不規則性を保ち、自然さと職人技を感じさせるデザインとなっています。通りから直接見えるように配置された客席は、窓によって丁寧に縁取られ、店は単に買い物をする空間ではなく、通りを行き交う人々に自宅のようなくつろぎを提供します。


The design of the Jacquemus boutiques in London and Paris began with the idea of testing the limits of working with a single material. Drawing from the brand’s origins in the south of France, AMO aimed to capture the atmosphere of Jacquemus’ native Provence through the materiality of the spaces. Instead of working with form and deciding on the materials afterwards, the materials were chosen at the outset, guiding the shape of the space through the design process.
From pillows reminiscent of the textiles of Provence to terracruda, a clay-based material echoing the landscape of the south of France, the boutiques are clad entirely in a single material, creating continuity throughout each space. In the store at the Galeries Lafayette in Paris, the walls, doors, fitting room, and display elements are upholstered in white cushioning, exuding the ease and comfort of a day spent in bed. A stack of pillows doubles as a seating area and display surface, welcoming visitors to browse and lounge for as long as they want. The store at Selfridges in London, with its floor and shelving, totems, plinths, tables and chairs made from terracruda, is populated by items on display and customers alike, adding a twist to the abstracted image of a domestic Provençal interior. Applied by hand, the material preserves a level of irregularity, which gives the design a sense of naturalness and craftmanship. Directly visible from the street with the seating area carefully framed by the window, the store is more than a space to shop; it invites passers-by to feel at home.
Rotterdam, October 4, 2022 –Designed by Ellen van Loon and Giulio Margheri, the three retail outposts at Galeries Lafayette, Selfridges and Harvey Nichols mark the collaboration between AMO and the French fashion label.
AMO’s collaboration with Jacquemus began with an investigation into the fashion brand’s identity and origins in Provence. The first two stores in Paris and London opened to the public in July: the 60 square meter womenswear boutique at Galeries Lafayette Haussmann features walls and display elements covered entirely in pillows, while the 82 square meter ground-level accessories storefront boutique at Selfridges is clad in hand-applied terracruda, a ceramic material inspired by the landscape of Provence. A third store will open at Harvey Nichols in the Fall.
Ellen van Loon: “The inspiration for the design of the Jacquemus stores owes to the brand’s origins in the south of France. We wanted to capture the atmosphere of Provence through the materiality of the spaces, which led us to approach the design in a different way altogether. Instead of working with form and deciding on the materials afterwards, we chose the materials at the outset and let them guide the shape of each space.”
The opening of the shop-in-shops designed by AMO marks a global first for the fashion label, which was founded in 2009.
The store design continues Van Loon and Margheri’s recent work in retail and scenography for Tiffany & Co, Off-White, Solid Nature, KaDeWe, and BVLGARI. Van Loon is also leading the refurbishment of the KaDeWe in Berlin and is undertaking the design of a new department store by KaDeWe Group in Vienna.
Ellen van Loon and Giulio Margheri with Camille Filbien, Valerio Di Festa and Mattia Locci
Project: Shop in Shop Design
Status: Ongoing
Client: Jacquemus
Location: Paris, London
Program: Retail