SHARE 徳田直之 / tokudactionが設計した、東京・港区の「赤坂の飲食店」

徳田直之 / tokudactionが設計した、東京・港区の「赤坂の飲食店」です。店舗のウェブサイトはこちら。

所在地:東京都港区赤坂3-13-2 2F3F
施主:有限会社サンオープン(函館開陽亭 赤坂店)
施工:株式会社 定信
撮影:Masaki Komatsu
This is a renovation project of place which used to be soba (Japanese buckwheat noodles) restaurant to sea food restaurant. Akasaka, by its area character, space composed with private rooms is required from the beginning which could be flexible in responding to visit of unspecified individuals or group. My suggestion was using wood structure to make space flexible. These wood structures have been adjusted to 2 meter in height. By removing existing ceiling we are able to make upper part bigger and replace it by multi-layered polycarbonate sheet about a meter high. These polycarbonate sheets give continuous rhythm on wall design.They also intensify brightness and reflect light making small aurora, the glitter of light on the wall and the floor. The upper part represents the universe glitter at night, below that the ground surface takes place. I wanted to express dynamical aspect in a sense of height. This balance of 2:1 of wood structure and polycarbonate sheet continues each private room creating its own rhythm.It was expected a big load of air conditioning & ventilation system as a restaurant, so I made kind of a beam structure outside of private room to fit these system unit into. Reinforced concrete slab is exposed as there is no covered ceiling; it flows through only electric wiring which highlight spatial dimension as maximum.
I believe we could obtain whole new design and give creative aspect in ordinary material or architecture part that we could see everywhere around us with a small change of dimension or little tuning of its composition.